Lady of the Lake

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Henry, David, and I we're all walking down the street to the bus stop. Henry and I talked for a bit about our new operation called: Operation Jaguar. That's right, I'm still not giving that up. I will never give it up or as long as I live.

"So, what's on the agenda for Operation Scorpion?" Henry asked David as we walked across the road.

I stopped for a second, then continued walking, "What happened to the name I picked out?! I loved that name!"

"What's Operation Scorpion?" David asked.

"The code name for our mission to find Emma and Snow? Do you prefer Jaguar? That was Aria's choice. Or my second choice, Viper?" Henry suggested. At least he mentioned it.

David sighed, "Henry, Aria, we need to talk."

"Yeah, Jaguar's better." I turned to Henry with a smug look on my face, "I told you so." I said, childishly.

"No, it's not that. It's..." David trailed off. We looked over at the bus and put the pieces together.

"We're not coming with you. But I... I thought we were going to find Jefferson?" Henry asked.

"I already did." David replied.

"You did? So, is he gonna help us or what?" I questioned.

"No. No, Aria, he's not." David said with a frustrated sigh.

"But why didn't you tell us you talked to him?" Henry asked, confused.

"Because I didn't want to disappoint you two. I know you want to find your mom, Henry, but Jefferson can't help us. I need to find a way to restore the hat." David said, putting a hand on our shoulders.

"Then, why can't we can't help look for it?" I asked, frustrated.

"It'll require magic, Aria. Not you magic though. And anyways magic-"

Henry cut him off, "Always comes with a price. We've read the book, you know."

"I'm sorry, but I just can't let you anywhere near this stuff. If you two really want to help me, you'll go to school where I know you'll both be safe, okay?" David asked.

Henry and I gave each other a look, then answered, "Okay." We started to head to the school bus and when David left, we looked at each other.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked with a smirk.

"That we should diss school and go find Jefferson?" Henry suggested.

"I taught you so well." I said. Then, we walked past the school bus and off to find Jefferson.

–[The Docks]–

We went to the only place we haven't looked yet, which was that docks. When we got there, we saw Jefferson sitting on a bench and holding a piece of paper. He looked at the paper with a sorrowful gaze, then Henry nd I went up and approached him.

I walked closer to him, "Jefferson. We need your help."

"Look Chess, I already told David. I can't do anything." Jefferson said.

"We know. But, there must be something we can do that we haven't tried yet." I insisted.

"I'm the wrong person to talk to, Chess. Magic's not my thing. Try your magic or his mother's. Maybe she's got something in that vault of hers she can help you with." Jefferson said.

"Vault? Her vault is here? In Storybrooke?" Henry asked him.

"It's none of my business. Talk to her." Jefferson said, frustrated.

The Mischievous of Them All {OUAT/Henry Mills} [1]Where stories live. Discover now