The Cricket Game

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Emma, Henry and I went shopping for stuff to makes tacos. and we just got back. We walked into the apartment and started going to the kitchen, but then stopped when we saw David and Mary Margret. They had the blanket up so we couldn't see anything, but their heads. Weird.

"Hey! Guess what? Taco shells were on sale." Henry said.

"Apparently, tacos? Not a big item in the Enchanted-" Emma stopped also noticing what I was seeing.

"What are you guys still doing in bed? It's the middle of the afternoon." Henry asked, confused.

"Yeah. People tend to be awake at this time. Well, besides me of course." I said, also confused.

"The trip back was tiring, and I needed to rest." Mary Margret explained.

"And I needed to... Help her rest." David added. How do you help someone rest?

"Uh," Henry and I looked at Emma, who was looking at us, "Let's... Let's go make the tacos. We have to make a lot, because there's going to be a ton of people at Granny's welcome back party tonight." Emma said. Henry and I walked into the kitchen and started to get the stuff out of the bags.


We all walked into Granny's Diner carrying the food inside as everybody cheered. Emma laughed and the rest of us smiled. There were decorations up and a handmade sign too.

Ruby walked over and gave Mary Margret a hug, "I wasn't worried a bit."

"I can tell." Mary Margret said as they draw back from the hug.

Archie put a hand on Mary Margret's shoulder, "Oh, we all missed you." The two of them hug and elsewhere, Emma presented Granny with a tray of tacos.

"Tacos. I cannot tell you the relief of cooking something that I didn't have to kill first." Emma said, holding the tray

"Don't I know it. Meat loaf back home? What a bitch." Granny said, smiling We all laughed as Emma walked around offering people tacos.

David hit his glass softly with a spoon to get everyone's attention, "I just wanted to, uh, thank you all for joining us tonight. Mary Margaret and I – we have a saying... That we will always find each other. And, while I believe that with all my heart, I'd like you all to raise your glasses and join me when I say... Here's to not having to look for a while. To Mary Margaret and Emma!" As everyone clinked there glasses, Regina walked in with a dish.

"Sorry I'm late." She said, closing the door behind her.

Leroy grabbed a knife, "What is she doing here?"

"I invited her." Emma replied. Mary Margret pulled her to the side with David while Regina sat the lasagna down. Henry and I sat with Regina, talking with her a bit. She was slicing the lasagna and we smiled at her.

"We're glad you came." I told her.

"Me, too." Regina said, smiling back. Leroy came over and she held out the lasagna to him, "Oh. I made lasagna."

"What's the secret ingredient? Poison." He said, harshly.

Her smile came off of her face and she replied, "Red pepper flakes. Gives it some kick." Leroy took it and smelled it before he took a bite. The rest of the time there Henry and I talked to each other about anything. It was one of the best nights ever.


It was morning and Emma, Henry, and I were at Granny's Diner having breakfast. Henry was asking Emma a lot of questions while I was busy eating. I have had nothing to eat all of this morning and I seriously thought I was gonna die.

"So, what was it like? Over there?" Henry asked.

"Well, let's see. There were ogres, the dead rising, people trying to kill me. And...more ogres." Emma said.

"Oh, well nothings changed." I said, smiling.

"Awesome." Henry commented.

"Kid, we got to work on your sense of awesome." Emma stopped eating and looked at us, "Come on. It's time for school. I'll walk you to the school bus."

"Do I have to get an education? It's torture." I asked. I would rather stay home and watch TV or read a book.

"Yes. Now come on." Emma said, standing up. Henry and I stood up, putting our back packs on. 

"It's okay. We can go on our own." Henry said to her.

"I know that you can. That doesn't mean that you should." Emma said, smiling.

"David let us." I told her.

"Well, I'm not David." Emma countered.

"You used to let us." I said, fixing my jacket.

"Well, I am not me." Emma put her arms around our shoulders I'm walking you, because that's what mothers do. And I'm doing it." We exit the diner and we are greeted with a distressed Pongo.

"Hey, Pongo." Henry bent down in front of the dog, but Pongo kept barking, "It's okay. It's okay."

Emma looked around the street, "Where's Archie?"

Ruby bolted out the door of the diner and stopped in front of Pongo, "Emma, something's wrong." She bent down and pet Pongo.

"How do you know? Never mind. The wolf thing." Emma walked over to us and started to lead us away from the diner, "You know what? Eleven is old enough to walk to the bus stop. I'll pick you up later."

Henry and I ran and said, "Okay."u


When the bus stopped Henry and I got off along with other people, they walked off in different directions We walked behind the bus and toward Emma, David, and Mary Margret. We were confused at why they were here because we already told Emma we could walk by ourselves. Emma walked toward us and we were in front of her on the street.

"Emma. We told you we could walk ourselves." Henry said, confused.

"I know. Something happened, and... I want you two to hear it from me first." Emma said.

"Why? What happened?" I asked her.

"Come here." Emma lead us to a bench and she started to explain. From a distance, Regina sat in her car and watched the scene unfold in the mirror. She began crying, as she saw Emma break the news. I looked at Emma, my eyes watering then Henry and I reached out and hugged her.



A/N: Hey guys, I need your help deciding something. In season 3, should Aria be with Henry while on Neverland or be with Emma and the others while on Neverland? I have been thinking about this for awhile and I decided to come to you guys for your opinions. I hope you liked this chapter!

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