Emma Swan [EDITED]

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Once upon a time... There was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know. Or think we know. One day they found themselves trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen. Our world. This is how it happened...


3rd POV:

Long ago...

A man with a long red cape rode on the back of a white horse. The horse had a few black dots on it, as well. He rode on a strip of land that went across a huge lake. He rode as fast as he could. He needed to get there. He needed to get to her. This man was Prince Charming. Prince Charming rode through the forest. He was going so fast that the horse was kicking up dirt behind them. Nothing was going to stop him.

He finally arrived to a part of the forest where it was snowing a little. Short men were gathered around something. These short men were dwarves. With them was a girl with purple hair who looked to be about nine or ten years old. This girl was known as the Cheshire Cat, but she mostly went by Chess. She heard the sound of footsteps behind her and turned to face the person.

Prince Charming was walking straight towards them. The dwarves turned to face him, as well. He studied the sad looks on their faces. Prince Charming finally looked at Chess. She shook her head at him with a sad expression. She looked close to crying, "You're too late, Charming."

They moved out of the way for him to see. A woman dressed in white with long raven hair laid asleep in a glass coffin. This woman was Snow White. The Evil Queen had finally gotten to her and she was put into this state. They couldn't find a way to get her out no matter how much magic Chess used,

"No," Prince Charming ran to the coffin, "No!" He stared down at Snow White's peaceful face. He finally came to a decision, "Open it."

Chess shook her head, "Charming..."

"I'm sorry. She's gone." Grumpy told him. Just hearing Grumpy say it out loud made it all the more real for Chess. The tears she tried so hard to keep inside, just fell. She couldn't hold it in anymore. It must've been that way for the dwarves, too, because they were now letting a few tears slip.

Prince Charming looked up at Grumpy with watery eyes, "At least let me say goodbye." Grumpy looked over at Chess for her answer. Chess nodded her head and they did as he said. When the top of the coffin was taken off, Prince Charming leaned down and kissed Snow White's lips one more time.

A wave of magic spread out around then. Chess felt the magic and looked up from her feet with wide eyes. Snow White gasped awake and everyone around her watched in shock. It was, "True loves kiss." Chess stated. She was now bursting with happiness. She was happy that her friend was alive. She wouldn't know what she was going to do without her.

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