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A/n: I'm sorry this chapter is late guys, but I made a banner for the story. Please, tell me what you think about it. It took a really long time to make and I hope you guys like it and this chapter.


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We, as in Emma, Henry, and I, all walked out to the road near Granny's. When we get there we see Snow and the seven dwarves hugging. It feels so good to have my memories back now that I remember everything, I'm not as confused.

"The curse... It's broken?" Leroy asked.

"Well, it appears so." Charming replied.

"So, what do we do now?" Red asked.

Snow pulled out of the hug, "Now? Now I find my daughter."

Emma, who was standing behind her, spoke up, "So, it's true."

Snow turned around to face Emma, she walked over to her slowly, and cupped Emma's face. Then, she pulled the woman into a hug, "You found us." Charming walked over and joined in on the hug.

"Grandpa?" Henry asked. Mary-Margret started laughing and so did I. They all let out of the hug. I wonder when they are going to notice I'm here.

David put a hand on Henry's shoulder, "Yeah, kid. I suppose so." Then, they hugged.

"Guys, are we missing somebody here?" I asked, an amused smile appearing on my face. David and Snow looked over at me in shock. Well, I can see why. Last time they saw me, I was dead. Snow and David wrapped me up in a hug as well. 

Snow let go and she cupped my face, "You're alive?"

"Well, I sure hope so." I answered, smiling. We hugged again and then let go. I went over to Henry's side and I looped my arm through his.

"She did it. She saved you." Henry said, looking at them.

"She saved all of us." Mary-Margret said, a tear sliding down her cheek.

Emma was at a loss for words, "I... Well..."

"Uh, then why are we still here?" Leroy asked.

"That, my friend, is an excellent question." David said, turning around to face them. 

Mr. Clark sneezed, "Well, what was that smoke?"

"Who did this? What was that smoke?" People in the group said.

"One at a time!" I yelled at them, but sadly they didn't listen causing me to roll my eyes.

"A-And why?" Walter asked, stuttering.

"And what was that smoke?" More people in the crowd asked, still talking over each other.

I turned to Henry and he turned to me. I sighed, "I tried and nothing."

The Mischievous of Them All {OUAT/Henry Mills} [1]Where stories live. Discover now