The Stranger

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Henry picked up the walkie talkie and started to talk into it. He was trying to get Emma to come to Granny's Diner, which is where we are now, so we could talk about the operation. Why at Granny's Diner though? Because we are starving.

"Code red. Code red." Henry said.

Emma picked up and responded, "Hey, Henry. What's going on?"

"I'm on my way." Emma then hung up, if that's possible.


We finally got our food, which is the only thing I care about at the moment and we're reading the story. The bells above the door jingle and I turn around to see Emma walking towards us.

"Hey. What's the emergency?" Emma asked us.

Emma sat down across from us, "If it's sensitive, why are we at Granny's, out in the open?"

"Me and Aria are hungry. A hungry Aria is not a good one. Who else knows that we hide the book at the Sheriff's station?" Henry asked her.

"No one. Why?" Emma questioned.

"Someone somehow changed it. There's a new story in it that we definitely didn't put in there." I responded. pushing my empty plate t the side.

"Why would someone add a new story?" Emma's face scrunched up in confusion.

"To tell something we need to know about the curse." Henry replied, looking down at the book.

"And what would that be?" Emma asked.

"We don't know. The story isn't finished." I responded.

"Why would someone go to so much trouble to add a new story, and then not bother finishing it?" Emma asked us.

"That's what's weird. The story's about Pinocchio. Everyone knows how that ends." Henry said.

"Well, maybe that's why it was left out." Emma concluded.

"Or, maybe, there's more to it that we just don't know about." I said.

"Henry, Aria, you are going to be late for school. Let's go." Then, we all made our way out of the Diner.


We, as in me and Henry, see Mary-Margret walking away from Regina. We start to walk over to her to see why she's here.

"What are you doing here?" Henry said as we walk out in front of her.

"You forgot your lunchbox." Regina said, holding it up.

"Thanks?" Henry said, taking it. Honestly, it sounded more like a question more than a statement.

"Henry, it's time for a change. I think it's time to transfer you to a new class with a new teacher. I could even try to get Aria transfered too." Regina said, sitting down on a red bench.

"Why do you want me and Aria out of Miss Blanchard's class? Is it because you framed her?" Henry asked her.

"Henry! Do you really think I'm capable of doing something so horrible?" Regina asked.

"Of course. You're the Evil Queen." Henry responded.

"Enough. Those fairy tales are not real. Miss Blanchard should never have given you that book. She should be grateful I'm not trying to get her fired." Regina said.

Henry stood up, pulling me up with him, Go ahead and try. It won't work. No matter what you do, Snow White will have her happy ending. She and Prince Charming will be together. The curse will end. Good will win. And I'm not transferring classes." Then, we both started to walk away from Regina, leaving her there on the bench.


Emma and I are in her car driving to Henry's house, I was in the backseat just laying down, I don't think Emma really minded. I don't know why we are here, Emma just woke me up and said we needed to go see Henry. I wanted to ask her why, but I had just woken up so I was very disoriented. Also, since I was disoriented, I didn't change out of my pajamas.  We finally made it to Henry's house and Emma started to talk into the walkie talkie.

"Code red. Code red. Henry?" Emma said into the talkie.

"Emma, what's wrong?" Henry asked.

"I need to talk to you." Emma responded.

"About Operation Cobra?" Henry asked in a hopeful voice.

"No. About us. Meet me downstairs." Emma said.

Henry came down here and got in the passenger side, "If my mom sees me out here talking to you, she'll get really mad. Also, why does Aria look like she just woke up?"

"Because I did." I replied, sitting up.

"Henry, I need to ask you something very important. Do you want to get away from Regina? Do you want to come and live with me?" Emma questioned.

Henry smiled, "More than anything."

"Okay. Then, buckle up. You ready?" Emma said, quickly.

"Why? Where we going?" Henry asked.

"We're leaving Storybrooke." Emma responded. Then, she started the car and we drove away from the house.


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