Hat Trick

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Henry had the book on his lap, reading it as we sat on the bench in front of the police station. We were reading the book when we suddenly heard a voice. We look up and we saw it was Emma coming towards us, but she wasn't alone Mr. Gold was right behind her. 

"Henry, Aria. What are you doing here?" Emma asked us.

"We came to congratulate you." Henry said.

"For what?" Emma asked.

"Your genius plan. Honestly, you should've let me in on it too." I replied. Emma crossed her arms.

"And what plan's that, Aria?" Mr. Gold asked. I didn't respond and neither did Henry. "Right." Then, Mr. Gold walked out of the hallway, leaving Emma, Henry, and I the only ones in the hallway.

"Sorry. We thought Mr. Gold was in on it, now that he's Miss Blanchard's lawyer." Henry said, quietly.

"In on what?" Emma asked.

"The escape plan." Henry answered.

"The what?" Emma asked, tilting her head in confusion.

Mr. Gold called out from the other room, "Sheriff, could you join me, please?" Henry, Emma, and I all walk to where the cells are. When we get in there we see that Mary-Margret's cell in empty. "She's gone."

"Aria, Henry, what did you do?" Emma asked. Oh! So, it's immediately my fault!

Henry and I put our hands up in surrender, "Nothing. She was gone when we got here."

"Her arraignment's tomorrow. If she's not there..." Mr. Gold trailed off.

"She's a fugitive. Doesn't matter if she's convicted for Kathryn or not – she's screwed. I have to go find her before someone notices she's missing." Emma said, quickly walking to her office to grab something.

"Oh, you mean Regina?" Mr. Gold asked.

"The arraignment's at eight A.M. I'm sure she'll be here bright and early to celebrate her victory." Emma concluded.

"Well, you have until eight A.M., then." Mr. Gold stated.

"Uh, what about us? How can we help?" Henry asked.

"Go home." Emma told us.

"Emma, if she leaves Storybrooke..." Henry said, but was cut off.

"Not now, Henry. Come on." Emma said, leading us to the door.

"Miss Swan, I know time is of the essence, but if Miss Blanchard doesn't return... Her future's in jeopardy. And if you're caught helping her, so is yours." Mr. Gold told her.

"I don't care. I'd rather lose my job than my friend." Emma said.


Okay, so I hid in the back of Emma's car, but she doesn't know. I heard the car door shut and somebody start the car. I peaked up a little to see we were on a road in the woods. I jumped up and sat in the seat.

"Hey." I said, simply.

Emma jumped, "Oh my god! Aria! What are you doing here?"

"What do you think? I'm going to help you whether you like it or not." I said.

"Fine. Just buckle up." Emma told me. I did as I was told and leaned back. It was so foggy that you could barely see a thing. Emma looked out of the passenger window and didn't pay attention on the road. She turned to look out her window and she didn't notice a figure, walking. When she did, she turned the wheel and stopped the car. We both get out of the car to check on the man.

The Mischievous of Them All {OUAT/Henry Mills} [1]Where stories live. Discover now