Queen of Hearts

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–[Awhile later]–

Henry and I sat by David's bedside and we each took turns reading the passages in his and Snow's story. While Henry was reading, I zoned out and started to go through all of the possibilities of what could happen. One was happy where David would wake up and Emma and Snow came back, while the other was bad. The bad one was David would never wake up and Emma and Snow would be stuck in the Enchanted Forest forever.

While Henry was reading, Regina walked in, "I think this time, it'll happen the other way around." I snapped out of my daze and looked up at her.

"You think so?" Henry asked.

Regina bent down, "I do. Which is why I need you two to stay here and watch David for a little while."

"Where are you going?" I asked, quickly. I think she has a plan, but not a good one.

"Mr. Gold and I need to prepare for Emma and Mary Margaret's return. Coming through the portal won't be easy. We need to make sure everything's in place." Regina replied.

"Really? You're really going to help them?" Henry asked.

"I promised you I was going to do better – to be better. So, yes, I'm going to do everything in my power to see to it they come home safely." Regina explained.

"Wow. You really have changed." Henry said.

Regina stood up, "Be back as soon as I can." Then, she went out the door and wherever she's going.


Henry was still reading to David and I was, surprisingly, waiting patiently for David to wake up. Suddenly, Ruby and the dwarves burst into the room, panting. I stood up and walked over to them, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Where are they? Regina and Gold." Ruby asked us.

"Hold on. Ruby, what's going on?" I asked her.

"All the magic has been drained from the mines." Ruby replied.

My eyes widened, "What?! They stole it?"

"They snuck in after our shift and took everything. Nobody steals from a dwarf!" Leroy said, angrily.

"Except the Queen." Doc said.

"...And Rumpelstiltskin." Happy added.

"If they're not helping Emma and Mary Margaret that... That means my mom lied to me." Henry glanced at the ground with a sad gaze.

Ruby bent down in front of him while I put a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry, Henry."

"We need to find her. We need to stop them. We need to help Emma and Mary Margaret." Henry said. Ruby and I nodded, determinedly.


We were looking around in the woods for Regina and Mr. Gold when we found them standing in front of a well. Inside well we could see flashing lights and we heard the sound of electricity. We rushed over to them and stood behind them.

"Mom?" Regina turned around to face us, "You're not helping Emma and Mary Margaret, are you?" Henry asked her.

"I'm helping you and Aria, Henry." Regina replied.

"What the hell are you talking about? How is this-" I motioned to the well, "Helping us?"

"You're going to kill them." Ruby said. Ruby rushed toward them, but Mr. Gold magically shot Ruby back with the wand, knocking her out.

"Sorry, dearie." Mr. Gold said.

"Are you out of your minds?" I asked them with wide eyes. Last time, I checked I was the only one out of their mind.

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