Second Star to the Right and Straight On 'til Morning

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Emma and David burst into Regina's office, guns out and looking around. Henry, Mary-Margret, and I hang back in case she is in there. I look inside and see that no one is there and David and Emma look around the room.

"It's okay. She's not here." Emma called out to us. The three of us walked in the room and looked around as well.

"When you find her, you're not gonna hurt her, are you?" Henry asked in a shaky voice.

"No. We just want the beans she stole from us." Emma replied, going over to the security box. Or at least that's what I think it is.

"I don't get it. Why would Regina leave her office unlocked?" Mary-Margret asked.

"Especially when she's keeping the beans here." David added. We walk over to the small plant that the beans should be growing on. It was in a round case and there was a light shining down on the pant.

Mary Margaret sighed, "Was keeping them here. They're gone."

"I'm getting a bad feeling about this." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Aria's right. Something's not right. Regina would never leave evidence like this behind." Emma said, looking over at us.

"Maybe she already used them to portal out of Storybrooke." David suggested, lookin away from the plant.

"Without Henry and Aria? I don't think so." Emma said, punching in keys to the system.

"What if something bad happened to her?" Henry asked.

"Security system says the last time someone was in the office was around 6:00 this morning." Emma pressed a key and the security system said that it was override, "They used an override code to get in."

"Why would Regina need an override code on her own alarm?" David asked, walking over to where Emma was standing.

"She wouldn't need one." I said, coming over to look at the system.

"You think someone else broke in and took the beans?" Mary-Margret questioned.

"Well, we haven't found Regina anywhere and haven't heard from her." Emma replied.

"So something bad did happen to her." Henry said.

"We're gonna find her, Henry. I promise." Emma assured the boy.

"There's only one person who could overpower Regina." Mary-Margret said.

"Gold." David added on. It couldn't be him, he is busy with Belle. So this has to be someone else. This was Tamara, I don't really like her. Actually, 'don't really' is an understatement. I don't like her at all. There was always something about her that put me on edge and made me not trust her.

"He's too busy with his new/old girlfriend. No, this wasn't Gold..." Emma hesitated before saying, "This was Tamara."

"Haven't you already gone down that road?" Mary-Margret asked Emma.

"Maybe not far enough." The blonde stated.

"Or, maybe it's time for you to let it go." Mary-Margret said.

"Emma's right. There's something off about Tamara. I noticed it when I first met her, she's not who she says she is." I said.

"Aria-" Mary-Margret started to say, but was cut off.

"August was attacked the day Tamara came to town. I don't think that was a coincidence." Emma said, her voice getting a little louder.

"What if you're wrong? If Regina's in trouble, we can't just drop everything else because of a hunch." David stated.

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