Christmas Special [EDITED]

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Hey guys! Since it was Christmas yesterday, I decided to give you guys a late Christmas present and this is it. Also in this one-shot Henry and Aria will both be fourteen. I hope you enjoy. This chapter has been edited.


Aria's POV:

Today was like any other to me. I woke up, I ate breakfast, I read a little of my book. The usual stuff, you know? I've done pretty much everything that I needed to today which left me with nothing to do. I was bored. Bored out of my mind. I had no idea what to do at this point. I didn't have any chores because I did them all yesterday. I watched pretty much every episode of the TV shows I like. What was I supposed to do to keep me entertained?

My question was answered when I got a text. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I had gotten a text from Henry. I opened it and read the text he sent. "Hey, do you want to come over and watch a movie?" Was what his text said.

I thought about it for a moment. I had nothing else to do. I would also love to hang out with him right now. I texted him back, "It depends. What movie?" I couldn't make myself seem too desperate. I mean, come on.

He sent his text a little while later, "The Day of the Doctor."

He didn't have to say anything else. The Day of the Doctor was a movie that I loved to watch. It was a movie for one of my favorite TV series called Doctor Who. I start watching it a few months after I met Henry. After I started it, I never stopped talking about it.

I immediately got my shoes on and ran out of the door. When I say ran, I mean that I ran. I was at Regina's house in five minutes. As soon as I got to the door, I didn't even knock. They knew who it was at this point because of how loud my footsteps were. What was the point in knocking? I opened the door and saw Henry sitting on the couch.

He looked over when he heard me close the door, "Wow, that was fast."

I nodded furiously, "Yes because we are going to watch this movie as soon as possible." He only laughed at my response. I sat down on the couch beside him and took off my shoes. I looked at the coffee table in front of us to see snacks sitting there. It was nice to know that he was prepared.

Henry got up to put in the movie. He sat back down and started looking for the remote. It took him ten minutes to find the remote, that was all the way in the kitchen for some reason. I was a little annoyed, but I didn't show it. At least we were watching it now. That was all that mattered to me at the moment. And of course, spending time with my best friend mattered to me.

Sometime in the middle of the movie, I could feel my eyes starting to close. I tried my best to keep them open. This was my favorite part of the movie. I couldn't disrespect it like that. Sadly, I couldn't stop my eyes from closing and I ended up falling asleep while the movie played.

3rd POV:

Henry was watching the movie and eating the snacks he had gotten out before they started watching it. He was enjoying the fact that he got to spend time with Aria. They always tried to make time to hang out. It did become hard sometimes because crazy things always happened in Storybrooke, but they tried their best.

At some point in the middle of the movie, Henry felt something land on his shoulder. He looked over to see Aria. Her head was on his shoulder and she was passed out asleep. It was to be expected. She stayed up pretty much the whole night watching YouTube videos. He just smiled and said, "What am I going to do with you?" He reached behind him and grabbed the blanket that was always draped over the back of the couch. He unfolded it and wrapped it around Aria and himself. He eventually ended up falling asleep, as well, not being able to stop himself.


When Regina got home, she walked in and started to call for her son. She didn't get a reply which worried her a little. She tried not to jump to conclusions yet. Maybe he was out with Aria. Still, she was going to look around for him just in case. It didn't take her long to find him. She had heard the TV going in the living room so that was where she went. Regina certainly was expecting the sight that she saw.

Henry and Aria sat on the couch together with a movie playing on the TV. The two were asleep and cuddled up to each other. The sight brought a big smile on her face. She quietly took out her phone and took a picture. Regina just had to take a picture of them, they were too cute not to. She left them alone and sent the picture to Emma and Mary-Margaret. The three of them had been talking about how long it would take the two best friends to realize that they liked each other and get together.

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