Snow Falls [EDITED]

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Our school was helping out at the hospital for community service. I didn't want to be, but I was a little awkward around the people here. I was always awkward around most people, though. I just didn't know how to act or what to say around them and this resulted in me being awkward. Henry and I had distanced ourselves from the other students and were in a room with a man in a coma. The walls were see-through so you could easily see us from outside.

Something had drawn me to the man. It was like I had seen him somewhere before. I felt like I actually knew him. He must be someone I knew from the Enchanted Forest. Now that I'm really looking at him, he looks a lot like Prince Charming. I lightly hit Henry's shoulder to catch his attention and turn to him, "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Are you thinking that he might be Prince Charming or something else?" Henry inquired. I answered that I thought he might be Prince Charming. He's even got the same scar that Snow White gave him in the story.

Henry was slowly reaching out to touch the comatose man. I don't know what was running through his head at this moment. Before Henry could get anywhere close to touching him, Mary-Margaret walked into the room. "Aria, Henry," We looked over to her to see she was walking towards us, "We could really use your help with the decorations." She leaned against the doorway.

"Is Mr. Doe going to be okay, Ms. Blanchard?" Henry asked the woman. I was curious, too. I don't know a lot about people in coma's, but I heard that if they don't wake up after awhile, they pull the plug on them. Hopefully, this doesn't happen to him.

Mary-Margaret thought for a moment before saying, "His name's not John Doe, Henry. That's just what they call people when they don't know who they are." Why did someone pick that specific name for someone they don't know? I can see John, but Doe? I don't get it.

I leaned forward with a hopeful look in my eyes, "Do you know who he is, Mary-Margaret?" Mary-Margaret gives me a slight look for not using her last name. It felt weird to call her, "Ms. Blanchard" because it just... I don't know, it was weird. Mary-Margaret doesn't really mind a lot of the time, though.

She shook her head, "No," She walked over to the bed, "I just bring him flowers on my rounds."

"What's wrong with him?" Henry glanced down at the man.

Mary-Margaret sucked in a breath and laced her fingers together in front of her, "I don't know," She glanced down at the man, as well, "He's been like this as long as I've been volunteering."

One question was on my mind at the moment. I just had to ask it. I needed to know the answer and I had no idea why, "What about his family? Friends?" Mary-Margaret answered my question and told us that no one had claimed him. My shoulders fell and I stared at the man with a sad gaze, "He's all alone." I could empathize deeply with the comatose man in front of me. I was alone at one point and it was one of the worst feelings in the world. No one cared about you and you were just on your own...

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