The Miller's Daughter

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We were at the docks getting off of Hook's ship. I looked out to the docks and saw David, Mary Margret just arriving in David's truck. Ruby and Neal helped Mr. Gold walk while Emma, Henry, and I walked beside them.

"Are you okay?" Mary Margret asked, rushing over to us.

"Yeah. Yeah, we're alright." Emma responded. David came over and took Ruby's place in helping Mr. Gold. They walked over to the truck with Mr. Gold.

"Uh, Aria and I drove a ship." Henry said, happily. I about wrecked us. That is why I am not allowed to drive a ship.

"Did you now?" David asked.

"Yeah, my dad showed me how." Henry replied.

David looked over to Neal, who gestured to himself, "That'"

As they set Mr. Gold in the backside of the truck, he said, "Thank you, thank you."

"Is Cora trying to control you with the dagger?" David asked, confused.

"Oh, you'd know if she was, cause most of you would be dead by now." Mr. Gold managed to get out.

Mary Margret walked over to the two, "Well, then we'll just have to take the fight to her before that can happen." I sensed an argument about to go down, so I walked back over to Emma, Henry, and Neal. We talked for a bit before going over to Mr. Gold with some blankets.

"You okay?" Emma asked.

"Ah, I'm beginning to feel a bit stronger. Take me back to my shop. There's magic there that can protect us." Mr. Gold got out of the back of the truck and Neal and David returned to his side, helping him walk.

"Let me guess. We get to go with Ruby." Henry said.

"You got it, kid." Emma confirmed.

"I'll keep them out of the crossfire." Ruby said, putting her hands on our shoulders. I sighed. Another one I have to sit out of.

"Thank you." Mary Margret said to her.

"Don't look so worried. You'll stop Cora. You won't let her get away." Henry said.

Before we left, I turned to Emma, "Can't I stay just this once? I have working magic and I am not a child!"

Emma put her hands on her hips, "Oh really? How old are you again?"

I crossed my arms and stood up straighter, "I'm ten. That's old enough to stay."

"Fine. Just be careful, Don't do anything reckless, and don't get hurt." Emma said.

I turned to Henry and said bye to him, then turned back to Emma, "When have I ever done anything reckless?"

"That one time we were kidnapped by Jefferson and you put your wrists over a fire. It was just to get rope off too." Emma said.

 I nodded, "Good point." Then, we left to go to the shop.


We arrived at Mr. Gold's pawn shop and we set Mr. Gold in the back. Emma held a jar in her hand and we all looked at Mr. Gold, waiting for him to say something. He grimaced in pain for a bit when he looked up a little.

"Emma, did you find it?" Mr. Gold asked.

"Yeah. There's nothing in it." Emma shook the container, creating a clinking sound, "What the hell?" She stuck her hand inside the container and took out something that seemed to be invisible.

"Invisible chalk. Use it in the front doorway. Draw a line. The rest of you, you might want to prepare for battle." Mr. Gold said. Everyone left including me, but I turned around to see that Mr. Gold stopped Mary Margret. I continued forward and got stuck in my thoughts.


Emma and I entered the back room to see Mr. Gold laying down on his side with the blanket pulled up to his waist.

"I drew the invisible line. I...think. What now? You cast a protection spell?" Emma asked. I turned to her and raised an eyebrow. Does it look like he can cast one in this state?

"No, no. You're going to do that for me. I'm relying on you." Mr. Gold informed her.

"I can't cast a spell. I can spell 'spell'." Emma said.

"Aria can help you. She is experienced with magic. You can cast a spell. It's in you." Mr. Gold said, lowly.

"That's good to know. How? Here? Like, from my brain?" Emma asked.

"Just try." Was all Mr. Gold said. Emma and I turned to each other and I stuck my hands out for her to grab. She looked at them for a moment confused before she caught on and grabbed them. We both close our eyes and I try to focus on my magic, as well as my emotions, and get it to merge with Emma's, but nothing happened.

"Stop thinking! Conjuring magic is not intellectual endeavor. It's emotion. You must ask yourself, 'why am I doing this? Who am I protecting?' Feel it." Mr. Gold said to us. Emma and I took a deep breath before we closed our eyes again. I start to feel our magic merging and creating a barrier. When we were done, we opened our eyes. "Oh, yeah. You feel it?" Mr. Gold asked.

"Yeah... I think I did." Emma responded.

"Good girls. Very good girls." Mr. Gold said, quietly.


We all had swords standing a little ways back from the door. The door suddenly blew open and on the other side of it stood Regina and Cora. My stare was blank, no emotion could be seen. My mind was clear of any thoughts and I only thought about winning. The two of them walked inside.

"Regina. Think about what you're doing." Emma tried reasoning.

"Why is Aria here? Also, don't talk to me." Regina said.

"I came here because I wanted to help." I said, answering her question. Her face was shocked before it went to a blank stare. Regina created a magical fireball and hurled it at us, but David deflected it with his sword. Annoyed, Regina magically threw David out the front door and locked him out.

"David!" Emma shouted. Cora magically blasted Emma backwards and Neal lunged at Cora in retaliation. Cora disappeared in a puff of purple smoke, but dropped the dagger on the floor in the process. Regina attempted to magically strangle Emma, but is momentarily distracted when Cora reappeared. Grabbing a knife from the counter, Emma got the upper hand and held the dagger to Regina's throat. With the dagger still on the floor, Neal and Cora faced off.

"What's it going to be?"

"Mother!" Regina shouted.

"Choose wisely." Neal said. While Cora was distracted, I hurled a fireball at her and she daoged it almost getting hit by it. Cora summoned the dagger to her hand. Emma then threw Regina into Cora, and the two of them fall into the glass counter.

"Fall back to Gold! I have the chalk." Emma said to us. We all flee to the back of the shop. Emma drew a line in front of the door with the chalk, creating a protective barrier. We sit there until Emma got a call on her phone she picked it up and answered it. "David?" She asked. "For now. I've got the spell up in the back room.... She's not with you?" Emma got quiet then hung up the phone.


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