Into The Deep

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I opened my eyes and I was in the room with flames again. I heard someone calling out my name and I looked around the raging flames, "Hello? Hello?"

The woman looked over at me, "Aria! Aria, it is you!"

"Yeah, but who are you?" I asked her as she walked closer to me.

"My name is Aurora. It's Emma and Snow." The woman, Aurora, said. I looked at her shocked, I couldn't talk for a second.

My eyes widened at this information, "Are they okay?"

"Yes, they're fine. They just want to come home. And they need your help." Aurora said, desperately.

I nodded my head, "Okay, so what do I need to do? How can I help?"


I bolt up in my bed to see Regina, David, and Henry are sleeping around it and I scream, "They're... They're alive. They're alive!" The three of them wake up and walk over to my bed.

"Who? Who's alive?" David asked me, confused.

I smiled, "Emma and Snow, they're alive." Henry reached out and hugged me, unexpectedly. I hugged him back as well and I swear he gripped me so hard, I felt like  was dying.

"I told you, kids. I told you!" David said.

"Was... Was it that woman you saw? Did she tell you this?" Regina asked.

"Her name's Aurora. She said they have a way home, but there's someone in their way – someone keeping them from doing that. Someone they need us to help them stop. Someone only Mr. Gold knows how to defeat." I explained to them.

"Who?" Regina said, tilting her head.

"Your mother." I replied.


–[Mr. Gold's Shop]–

I was laying down on a bed in Mr. Gold's shop, so I can go back to the Netherworld. I was just laying down, staring up at the ceiling bored. I wasn't one who liked to wait, so I was bored out of my mind.

"I brought your blanket...from your bedroom back at Mary Margret's place." Regina said, draping the blanket over me. Henry was sitting beside me and we were playing Uno, he was winning so far.

"Thanks. So, Cora... She's pretty powerful?" I asked, placing a card down.

"Yes, but, uh, not as powerful as I am." Mr. Gold said.

Regina took her jacket off and scoffed, "Debatable."

"Actually, no, it's not."  Mr. Gold said, looking over at the woman.

"You sure you're okay to do this, kid?" David said, walking over to me.

"Yeah. I can do this." I replied. Well, I hope so. That's got to count for something right?  Henry placed down his last card and I put down all of my cards. "I'll be okay." I told him.

"Look, whatever she faces in there, will be far less dangerous than what she'll face if we fail." Mr. Gold said to David, who was looking at him.  

"I can do this." I said.

David glanced back at me and then looked back at Mr. Gold, "Get on with it. Fast."

"Alright, Aria." Mr. Gold sat down where David used to be sitting, "Just relax. And soon, you're going to drift off."

"What do I tell them exactly?" I asked him.

"Just listen to my bedtime story, and all will be clear." Mr. Gold placed his hand on my forehead and I closed my eyes, "Once upon a time, Snow White and Prince Charming needed to stun a very powerful magician, long enough to lock him up in a dark dungeon."

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