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„You are a pretty bad husband by leaving your wife alone in a castle."

Elijah and Cassie chuckled. They interlaced their fingers and their rings touched. The feeling of being married was still a bit strange for both of them, but strange in an awesome way.

„You're not alone, Cassie. Kol and Rebekah are here. And I will..."

She interrupted him.

„...You will always come back for me, I know. Still, I will miss you like hell."

The last months were like a perfect dream for the couple. They had their beautifully romantic wedding. Just the two of them and Elijah's siblings.

Elijah was also happy about the fact that his family was now together and at least they didn't rip each other to shreds.

Kol and Rebekah quickly took Cassie as family. She perfectly fitted in because she wasn't afraid of them. And Rebekah loved to help planning the wedding.

Just Cassie and Niklaus didn't came along. He threatened to kill her on an everyday basis. Of course this caused some tension between Klaus and Elijah.

Now they were standing outside. Elijah gave Cassie one last peck on her full lips as Niklaus was impatiently waiting in the carriage.

„I will be back in a week, my love. You won't get bored, I heard Kol wants to teach you how to ride a horse."

„It would be quite much more fun with you."

Her hands shifted down his back. He tensed because he had to hold himself back. He never could think clearly near her.

„Goodbye, stay safe."

He caressed her cheek and seated himself next to his brother. Cassie sadly watched the carriage leave. She had a certain bad feeling in her.


Kol couldn't bear it anymore. Every time he saw the happily married couple he felt a growing pain inside her heart.

He had to admit it.

He fell in love with his older brother's wife.

Maybe he should agree to Niklaus' offer. He knew it was selfish and that it would destroy Cassie. But he was Kol Mikaelson, what did he care? He would take what he wanted.

Faking a smile he stepped towards the awesomely beautiful woman and hugged her. She returned it. It was good that she trusted him.

„Let's have some fun, shall we?"


The week flew by surprisingly fast. Cassie, Rebekah and Kol had a lot of fun, they laughed a lot. Cassie was more than happy to have a new family.

She prepared everything for Elijah's arrival. The compelled kitchen staff cooked a meal worthy for a king. She prepared a warm bath for her husband and bought herself a new dress. It was a light color of lavender, she knew Elijah would love it.

A smile plastered across her face. She realized that she had everything she wanted. And no one could destroy it, not even Niklaus, the most annoying person she ever met.

At least she thought so.

„Cassie, can we talk?"

Suddenly Kol was standing in the doorframe. Cassie flinched because he came out of nowhere.

„You can come in when you promise me that you will stop sneaking behind me. I'm still not used to"

Kol smiled and stepped in front of her.

„My brothers will arrive soon..."

„I know, could you help me out? There is still so much to do."

Cassie turned away from him in search of something.


„Yes, Kol?"

„I love you."

Before she could say anything she grabbed her in kissed her. She instantly tried to push him away and she made some not approving sounds but his grip was to tight to get rid of him.

„What is this?!"

Elijah's voice came all of a sudden and Kol let go of her.

„Elijah, this is not what it looks like!"

Cassie said panicked. Her husband just shook his hand.

„You know Niklaus told me that you and my brother were a bit too close...but I did not believe him. I trusted you. I'm such a fool."

His voice was cold as ice.

„I do not wish to see you two anymore. You have until tomorrow to leave."

„Elijah, wait, I can explain!"

She tugged on his shirt but he gently pushed her away.

„You know, you can tell me the sweetest lies. But my eyes don't."

His words were like a punch in her face.


The betrayal was so deep, Elijah didn't speak any word to his wife. He looked out of the window the next morning when he saw Cassie leaving the castle, climbing into the carriage. With his enhanced view he could see the deep blue circles under her eyes. Her small body seemed even more fragile and pale.

Kol was standing next to her talking but she ignored him.

She looked miserable. Maybe...maybe she hadn't lied. Maybe there was an explanation. He pushed the thought far away. He saw it with his own eyes. She cheated with his brother. Just a few months after they married. Unforgivable.

Elijah was looking down at his hand. He took the small golden ring off. He gave it one last gaze and then placed in a tiny box. A single tear rolled down his cheek.


After some hours of traveling and just staring out of the window she stopped the carriage.

They were near a high cliff. The wind tugged on her when she stepped out.

She walked to the edge and looked down. It remembered her of the situation in her tower before Elijah saved her out of her misery.

But now she wasn't afraid to fall.

The tiny moment of joy and love was gone. Forever. She was empty inside.

What did she have to loose?

Where should she go?

Was there any reason to live anymore?

She decided that she couldn't think of a reason.

And she jumped.


Authors note:

hey guys! Thank you so much for reading <3

Just wanted to say that this is the end of the „past" chapters :) I'll update as soon as I can, I'm really excited to write the actual story. The ideas in my head won't shut up ;D

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