Mother Dearest

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Deja vus suck. Almost every time. Cassie knew it from experience.

Again she was trapped in that tomb the witches used for their little torture parties.

At least this time she wasn't in chains. There was a circle of salt around her. Even though she knew that she wouldn't be able to leave, she tried it anyway. She started to hit the invisible boarder in frustration.

Then her eyes caught the sight of the man she loved.


Her scream was panicked. He hung there in chains. His shirt was dirty with his blood and ripped. The pieces barely covered his chest.

His beautiful face was covered with dirt and sweat, his eyes wide open, but they didn't focus on anything. He was on his knees...he seemed so...


Cassie yelled his name over and over again but he didn't show any reaction.

„He can't hear you, love."

The woman Elijah earlier called mother stepped in front of her. Cassies panic changed to pure rage. She tried to get out of her magical cage and bared her fangs.

„What did you do to him?"

„Your vampire nature. It's so disgusting. It ruins your sweet face."

Esther crossed her arms in front of her chest. Pity was written on her face.

Cassie would've been pleased to skin her alive.

„Leave him alone! Do whatever you want with me, I don't care. But not him!"

„Oh you sweet little girl. You really think you love him, right? Don't worry, I just made him dream, so we can talk alone. You know I saw you with my son all these years ago from the other side. I saw everything. I'm honestly sorry that you had to meet my children. They did nothing but harm to you."

The vampire laughed bitterly.

„You don't know anything about us! Then you wouldn't be here to kill us all."

„I saw everything, little Cassandra. I kind of understand why you embrace your undead nature. Life hasn't been easy for you. It's always dreadful when a child loose it's carefreeness and trips into a lifetime of misery. But believe me the badest point in your history was when you fell in love with my son."

„He is the only one in my life that had shown kindness to me."

„Kindness? And why did he listened to his lying brothers? You know, he would always choose them over you."

„I understand that. And that's the difference between you and Elijah. He stands up for his mistakes. He accepts his faults and will always carry them with them...but would kill your own children for your own peace. Wasn't it you that created them?"

The witch ignored her last question, she just laughed in her face.

„Does he? I have to disagree. But I think he will tell you that story later one...but let's come to the point why I wanted you here. You should know, I don't want to kill my children. I want to heal them. To be a family again. I want to transfer them into a witches body, so they can have a long, productive life and die in peace."

Cassie just snorted.

„Right, mommy dearest cares sooo much about her little children. But it's comfortable for you, isn't it? With their bodies, every vampire in the world would die."

„...and so my mistakes would be erased. Nature would be in balance again. It's a good thing, Cassie."

„I would die, too. Do you really think Elijah would forgive you for that?"

„Don't worry, love. As a gift for my moral son I would give you a new life, too. You always wanted children of your own with Elijah, right? That'll be possible. Think of it."

„You're lunatic, Esther. We will never take your offer."

She shook her head still not knowing how to get both her and Elijah out of here.

„We'll see. Consider my offer. Deep down in your injured heart you're a decent woman. I would be glad to welcome you to our family. But for now you're free to go."

The barrier around her lifted and instantly Cassie rushed to Elijahs side. She tried to wake up, she lifted up her face but he was still lost.

„Now I need to talk to my son. You can pick him up later."

With a movement of her hand Cassie was forced out of the tomb.


Hours passed until Klaus and Cassie could enter the graveyard again to get Elijah home.

But it took days for him to wake up.

Cassie cared about him lovingly. She changed his dirty clothes, she wiped away the sweat on his face and tried to feed him with blood. However mostly she just lay beside him, trying to give him comfort. Of course she didn't know if he even noticed her hands on him or her tears. Or the soft words she spoke to him, pleading him to wake up.

It was torture to see him this way. Not knowing what he's going through right now.

No one knew why, but suddenly Elijah sat up. His eyes were wide in fear and confusion.

Cassie had just fell asleep but was woken by his moves.

„You're back!"

She whispered in joy.

Elijah grabbed her arms so hard that they nearly broke. The vampire swallowed the pain.

It seemed like the Original was speechless. He could just look at his girl realizing what happened.

After he got himself together a bit, he pulled Cassie in a tight hug.

„It's alright my love. Everything will be fine."

Cassie knew that wasn't the truth. But he needed to hear that. She gently stroked her hair, giving him the time to fully come back to life.

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