Try Walking In My Shoes

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Cassie elegantly walked out of the compound but when she entered the street and were out of Elijah's sight she needed to lean against the cool wall. Her heart raced, her breath was unsteady and tears wanted to leave her sad eyes.

But what did she expected? That Elijah would take her in his arms and the last hundred years were just forgotten?

It was pathetic. She needed to finally shake him off.

Nervously she messed up her hair with her hand and waited until she was steady enough to go home.

When stepped into the next alley she started to hear strange whispers and the wind whistling.

Someone was here. And wanted to scare her.

Her mouth tightened in a straight line.

„Do you really want to scare me with those tricks?"

She yelled into the darkness.

Suddenly she was jerked into a wall, someone's hand around her neck.

When she regained her sight she gasped.


„What are you doing here?!"

He growled his words. His eyes started to gleam in a golden color. If she hadn't despised him that much, she would even think that it looked beautiful.

So it was right. He turned into a hybrid. That was not good. She would never be able to kill this kind of monster.

„Do really think I'm afraid, Niklaus?"

Cassie spat his name. She covered her surprise and the pain and put on a cold, calculating smile.

„You definitely should, love."

The hatred between them was concrete. It would never stop.

„Niklaus, the big bad hybrid. To you really think anyone quakes in fear by the sound of your name?"

She laughed at his face. His grip loosened and she again stood on her feet.

„You know if it comes to you, I'm the safest woman in the world. You wouldn't dare killing me."

„If I were in your position, I wouldn't be so sure."

He grinned in self confidence, knowing he would be always superior.

„I two, no, three Original bodyguards beside me. Your family would finally give up on you and hate you even more, if you kill me. I will always be there to laugh in your face, darling."

Her smile widened by Niklaus speechlessness. He knew she was right and hated it. Hated her even more. But he put himself together.

„I wouldn't be so sure, love. Elijah still hates you because of that little incident, Rebekah is gone and Kol...he would never risk his live for you."

She just shook her head, enjoying him struggling. Turning away from him, she wanted to continue on her way to her apartment but Niklaus stood behind her in a matter of a second. He was too close, she could feel his cool breath on her neck. Cassie tensed.

„You will not get in my business again, little girl. Stay away from the French Quarter and I will do you know harm."

Before she could reply Niklaus was gone. She stared at the place were he disappeared, needing a second to recover from that speech.


When Cassie arrived at her small, but cozy flat in Treme the events of the evening suddenly fell off her and she broke down. She allowed herself to cry and be miserable.

The vampire didn't remember how long she just sat there crying.

She honestly wished for nothing more than a good time in New Orleans. No more trouble, no more pain.

And here she lay, confronted with everything she avoided the last century.

Again the Mikaelsons shattered everything.

In a sudden panic attack she ripped the lovely dress off her. Maybe she wasn't strong enough, maybe her self confidence was just a fake to protect herself from harm. She lied to herself her whole life as a vampire.

She was a joke. A really bad joke. Just staying alive to get back in the arms of some man.

The best option would be to pack her things and get the hell out of this damn city. Europe was quite nice, maybe she would travel around these breathtaking city, she always liked the ancient architecture there.

Cassie stood up to and walked to the wardrobe next to her. She opened a drawer and pulled a tiny box out. It was covered in dark blue velvet. Opening it, she melted by the beauty and the memories triggered by the sight of her wedding ring. She kept it with her all the time. Sometimes she even wore it on a little, long chain around her neck.

Sighting she put it away, realizing she wouldn't do what was good for her.

She was to prideful to flee from them. Maybe she wouldn't get her revenge, it wasn't worth it.

But it definitely would trouble some certain men if she stayed. 

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