Flowers On The Grave

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The sun made even the shadiest tomb of New Orleans light and welcoming. The marble statues were, thus not very cared for, a piece of art. Most of them portrayed crying angels, even though most of the people buried here hadn't had a hint of holiness in them while being among the living.

Tourists were discovering the graves because the way New Orleans' dead were put to rest was special: they are placed in tombs that were built like little, marble houses, because the wet, swampy ground would change the process of decay into something really disgusting. It had caused epidemics back in the 18th century.

Today, a slight bit away from the tourist groups, was a funeral service. It was a small gathering, just five people present. They all wore black and looked very taken by the speech the priest did.

Some people threw a big mourning party with parades and music on the streets when someone died, but this time, the family of the dead didn't practice that kind of morbid tradition.

They just looked as the coffin was inserted into the mausoleum. As they hadn't had the time to get a family tomb, the corpse was buried next to other strangers. Some of the tombstones didn't even carry names. It was the part for the strangers and the criminals - people that didn't really belonged to the city.

This grave got a stone with some letters engraved in it.

Cassandra Grey Mikaelson

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. - Dr. Suess

The date of birth and death weren't mentioned. It would have been a lie anyway because she lived quite too long for a human being.

Elijah's face was blank. He hadn't shed a tear since his love died. The realization hadn't hit him. It wasn't mourning, he didn't accepted the fact that she was gone.

He stared at the gravestone. This quotation was pathetic. It didn't live up to her. It was so general, it could have fitted to any person.

His fists clenched.

The vampire hadn't had anything to do with the funeral. His siblings cared about it, taking for granted that he was too weak. It now was clear to him that none of them really knew her. No one who did, would have chosen this quote considering Elijah's and Cassie's story.

Even the name „Mikaelson" attached as her family name wasn't right. On the one hand, Elijah liked the fact that she now was buried as part of the family. The only thing he did himself was to make sure her wedding ring was on her hand, in a way making her his wife again.

But on the other hand this name brought nothing but harm to her.

She fought for this family. She loved them. And she died for them.

Again there was a name added to list of people that died in the name of family. A knew heavy weight of guilt on their shoulders. A ghost behind the red door. Elijah's curse struck again. The curse that sentenced all of the people that loved him and he loved in return to death.

But this time it was different.

She wouldn't be forgotten. Elijah wouldn't allow it.

When he looked at her engraved name again, the realization hit him hard.

Maybe she won't be forgotten, but she was gone, forever.

Never would she again lay in his arms. Never kiss his lips again. No one would ever see this breathtaking smile again.

The pain had his heart in its tight grip.

He couldn't say anything, he could just watch as they all placed a blood colored rose on the ground. They shifted uncomfortably, looked at each other and at Elijah.

Niklaus was the first one who started to leave but Elijah speeded in front of him now being able to produce words. Words of pain, disappointment and disgust.

„That's what you all want to do? Place a bloody flower on her grave and leave just to forget her in the matter of days? She brought light and kindness to our family. She loved us even though we all betrayed her."

He grabbed the hybrid on the collar of his shirt.

„But you gave her nothing but harm in return. You hated her because you were afraid she would get more love than you. You were jealous and you ruined her life. And even now, you couldn't stand the fact that she was back with us. Even if she protect your child with her life."


Hayley placed her hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down. But he just stepped away from her.

„No! Don't try to calm me, I'm not done with you! Even you, stating to be her friend, did just let her go into her own death. You didn't inform anyone who could've protected her from her attempt to help us."

He now turned to his sister.

„You didn't care for her when she was hurt and betrayed by everyone. When she was out of use for her you just let her fall. You didn't even try to help her for a century!"

The last one he faced was Kol. Elijah pointed his index finger at his chest.

„Kol, you carry a heavy guilt. You betrayed her back when she lived with us. You were the one that practiced the lie you and Niklaus made up. You hurt her more times than anyone could count, although pretending to be her friend. You punished her for not loving you, the way you wanted to!"

The Original stepped back to see all of their shocked faces by his outburst. He knew that he was being not fair. Mikael and Esther were the ones that killed her, not them. But he needed to speak his emotions out. Abnormal for uptight and always calm Elijah Mikaelson.

„But what am I telling you? I'm the one responsible for her death. I brought her into all of this. Just because I love her more than anything in the world. I'm the one that believed all the lies and threw her out, not caring if she would survive in this world. And last week, I was the one she came to rescue."

His face was branded with sole pain and torment. He was on the edge to loose his mind.

„We all are guilty for her death. But we will make this up. You all will help me to bring her back."

With these words, Elijah finished his speech and turned away to leave the graveyard.

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