Thinking About You

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„Aunt Cassie I'm soooo hungry, but Mom told me to stay here!"

A smile spread across Cassie's face when she saw Hope. She was so much like her father, she even got the same line on her forehead when she was troubled. With her 5 years, she's a beauty for a children and she was so lovely. Of course with quite the temper, but she never showed that she was overly spoilt. But how couldn't one spoil this child? She was the greatest pride of the family.

„Come here, darling, I'll make you something."

The vampire took the girl's hand and went into the kitchen.

„So, what would you like to eat?"

Hope jumped around her excited and nearly screamed.

„Noodles with cheese!!!"

Cassie couldn't keep back the laugh and lifted her niece up and looked at her jokingly serious.

„That's not very healthy! You've ate that twice last week, am I right? Your mum wouldn't that."

A little sound of disappointment came out of her mouth and her eyes turned sad. Cassie melted. Oh, she would've been a terrible mother. She couldn't deny any wish a children had.

„Good for you, that I'm responsible for food today. But psssst, don't tell your mum."

Hope laughed in joy and Cassie read the menu of the nearest Italian delivery to her. After she ordered their meals she sat down on one of the stools and sighted while the young girl played with her doll.

Cassie's thoughts drifted away. What was the thing between Kol and Elijah? Something had happened and it was about her, but she didn't have a clue what it could be. She hated it when people were making decisions for her but she figured out that around the Mikaelsons they took it as a means to protect the family. She felt honored to be seen as a part of them.

But then there was this thing when she looked at Elijah. It was like her body remembered him, in a very intense way.

She knew that she didn't really love Kol. It was nice to be with him, he let her feel like the most beautiful being on earth.

When she was in Paris where she met Kol again after some time, she felt empty. Like a huge whole in her heart, like something was missing, but she didn't knew what. She tried to fill that whole with the love he gave her, hoping she would maybe be able to love him back some day. But she didn't. She felt attraction to his body, because the sex was good and she felt a deep friendship.

Of course she knew she wasn't being fair to him, but she needed him at that time. Maybe it was to time to tell him how she really felt. To let him go and not keeping him occupied in something that would never work out. It would break his heart, but it was her duty to be honest with him. He always had been honest with her and she didn't want to loose this friendship.

„Auntie, you look sad!"

Her niece tried to climb on her lap. Cassie placed her properly.

„It's nothing, love. Just remember, boys are sometimes really, really stupid. We girls have to cope with that, put just promise me one thing: always stay strong and never let anyone change you. Because you're perfect the way you are."

Hope nodded enthusiastic and turned her head to show her aunt, that she wanted her to braid her hair. The girl loved it when Cassie did that, because she would always look like a princess afterwards.

„I know auntie. I don't like boys."

Cassie stopped in her tracks and looked concerned.
„Hope, are the boys in the kindergarten mean to you?"

She gave Cassie a small smile and touched her hands so she would continue.

„No, they aren't. But they are sooo strange. They're always dirty, they throw stones and want to play stupid things with their cars. I don't like that, the other girls think so two."

Cassie held back and laugh and finished the braid. She was stunned by her beauty when she gave her aunt another smile. This girl would break lots of hearts.

The doorbell rang and Cassie went to pay the food. She served it on a plate and placed it in front of Hope. They started to eat in silence, just interrupted by their chuckles when Hope made a mess with the sauce.


Cassie looked up from her bowl.

„Yes, love?"

„Why don't you....uncle Elijah anymore?"

The girl rounded her mouth and made kissing noises which would've been quite cute and funny in another situation.

Cassie furrowed her eyebrows and looked shocked.

„I did what?"


Elijah laid in his hotel bed in stared the ceiling. It was after midnight and he couldn't find sleep. Knowing Cassie was with his brother troubled him. Kol stole the last hope for him to believe that his love was safe. She never will be.

When she stood there and their eyes met...he felt everything. The flame of love inside his heart broke free and if he could, he just would've kissed her. But she wasn't his anymore. This was a fact that Elijah couldn't accept. He had to admit that Kol was right in one point, he had lost every right to be with her when he left her without a explanation.

After the incident with the witches, he realized something. He saw that not their enemies were the real danger, he was it. He was the one that becomes a monster whenever something stays in his way, not imaginable what he could do to the woman he loved.

Always had he said that he wouldn't hurt his loved ones but then again he remembered what his mother showed him. Tatia. He killed her, sucked her dry even though she had been precious to him.

But the words Kol spat came back to his mind. She's strong, she doesn't need our protection. You underestimate her.

Maybe he was right all along and Elijah just didn't saw what a strong, confident woman Cassie became.

He tilted his head and looked at a naked Katerina next to him and lightly stroked her hair. The doppelgänger had surprised him yesterday evening in his hotel room. They've been involved with each other for some months now, but it was nothing more than a brief affair. He would never have real feelings to her, all he could think about was Cassie. Of course he needed to end this, but he gave into one last night, just to forget about his pain and worries for some hours. But it didn't work. It felt like betraying Cassie and even more guilt.

Sometimes he wanted nothing more than just grab her and fix the compulsion. It was selfish but he wanted her to remember. He wanted her back, whatever it takes. But this was what his heart was telling him and he knew that heart was such he naive, fragile organ. He knew that it would be smarter to leave her be and just make peace with it. If that was so easy.

Even the most moral vampire in the world should sometimes do something very bad.

He could hear Cassie's rough voice whispering in his ear like it was yesterday. She often told him that it was ok to be selfish sometimes. Maybe she was right. The thought crossed him, why his brother was allowed to put her in danger, but not him.

They were meant for each other. All of them knew that the thing Cassie and Kol had going on was not comparable to what Cassie and Elijah's love. The way she looked at him...even though she couldn't remember him, her body reacted to his presence.

Elijah sat up and had a determined look on his face. For once, he would do something really selfish.

He would fight for his love.


Sorry guys, I had to re up the chapter, because I somehow forgot to copy-paste the most important part of the chapter *slaps herself for staying up too late to write and not being able to concentrate*

Hope you like it anyway ❤

I Feel You - Elijah Mikaelson -Where stories live. Discover now