Fight Night

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Cassie sat snuggled in the thick cushions of an armchair, knitting a set of socks and a scarf for the baby.

Right, knitting. One's takes desperate measures when locked in a house full of family drama and being bored to hell.

Two months ago:

Confused, Cassie sat up in a bed she didn't know. Where was she?

The memories of the incident with the witches came back to her.


She whispered.

Something moved in the edge of the room and Elijah stepped next to the bed.

„How do you feel?"

„I...I don't know. My head hurts like hell and I just want to sleep. Sounds like a typical vervain-hangover."

Elijah chuckled to her words.

„Thanks for saving me."

„Your welcome."

For some minutes they just looked at each other. Cassie broke the eye contact when it became kind of awkward.

„So...I will just pick up my clothes and then I will stop getting on your nerves."

She smiled thankfully and began to collect her clothes and changed in the bathroom. Cassie slightly shivered when she realized that he must have undressed her.

Shaking her head, she tried to ban the thought of his hands on her skin out of her brain.

She left the bathroom and wanted to leave but Elijah positioned himself in the doorframe.

„Um, goodbye, Elijah."

„You are not going anywhere, my love."

Cassie pulled up an eyebrow and tried to get past him.

„What are you doing?"

„As I said, you stay here. It's not safe for you in this city anymore. The witches and the wolves are plotting against us and you're an easy target. Because I take it that you're too stubborn to leave this city, I'm keeping you under my protection."

„I can watch out for myself."

She snarled, feeling insulted.

„Cassandra, you need to understand me. I always put the people around me in danger. That stops now."



Cassie threw her knitting against the wall and let out a frustrated growl.

„I suck at knitting!"

Kol, who sat next to her the whole time, pulled up an eyebrow.

„Good, I thought you would never stop with that grandmother behavior."

„At least I'm doing something. I feel like I will explode in the next minute."

Cassie stood up, pacing around.

„It's for your safety, Cassandra. You know that."

Elijah passed by them.

„Right, Elijah. I'm safe, but I want to kill myself. Have you ever experienced being useless? You left me here when everything broke apart. These wolves..."

„Don't mention it. You nearly got killed. Again. Under my watch."

Cassie knew that Elijah was struggling with that. The day of Hopes birth was very dark. Genevieve and the Guerra wolves had been plotting against the Mikaelsons. Elijah and her fought together against the wolves and she got bitten multiple times. If Elijah hadn't begged for her life, Niklaus wouldn't have healed her.

„But I did not. Now Hope and Rebekah are gone and you kept the fun in killing the Guerras for yourself."

„Stop, Cassie. You are not useless. You are the only person who Hayley let in since her daughter is gone. You help her get through that."

Cassie rolled hair eyes and folded her arms while Elijah continued his way up the stairs. She looked after him and sighted.

„So you and my brother...are you two getting cozy again?"

Kol's sarcastic voice interrupted her thoughts.

„Kol, I'm not in the mood for that."

She turned away from him.

„It's pathetic, Cassie. You said you're over him and won't be anyones damsel in distress anymore and here you are...licking his feet like a puppy."

He stood up and left the compound angered.

Why must everything be so complicated?

She hadn't had a clue what was going on between her and Elijah. At least she tried to suppress any feeling for him because she knew that wouldn't end well. But this tension between them...the passion. She couldn't hide from herself.

And then there was Kol...filled with jealousy even though he knew he would never have chance with Cassie. She told him that often and he never listened.

„Whenever I see you, you are breaking one of my brother's hearts."

Oh, no. Not Niklaus. He was the last person she wanted to see right now.

„Since when do you care about the hearts of your brothers? Ah, I remember. You care when it comes to put daggers through them."

Niklaus threw a killing gaze at her.

„I should've just let you die in that pile of unimportant vampires. Right were you belong."

„Oh, Niklaus, for once in your immortal life, could you just shut up?"

Cassie walked past him, hitting him with her shoulder on purpose.

She needed to get out of here. But she couldn't


Elijah said apologizing when she climbed up the stairs. She threw her hand up, stopping him for saying anything.

„Leave me alone."

She stormed into her room.

I Feel You - Elijah Mikaelson -Where stories live. Discover now