Love Is Useless

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Her reflection in the mirror looked horrible. She had deep blue rings under her eyes and pale skin because she didn't drank enough blood. Her hair was a mess.

Kol had called her a thousand times the last two weeks. Cassie realized that it had been that long since the party in the compound. Since meeting Elijah again.

Locking herself in, Cassie had hid from reality. She watched bad TV shows and read some of her old dusty books again.

Completely useless.

No more.

She turned away from the mirror and entered the shower, enjoying the hot water. After that she blow dried her hair, curled it, dressed in a fancy little summer dress with a cute flower dress and put some light make-up on.

The vampire grabbed her leather jacket and forced herself out on the street.

Just a little stroll down to the Mississippi. She would take the way around the French Quarter to avoid certain people.

One could already feel a hint of autumn. It didn't affect on Cassies strong vampire body but she liked it when the sticky air disappeared for the beautiful colors of fall.

She took in the sight of the city. It was breathtaking. On the left, there were the old, but special houses of the Quarter. On the other side were skyscrapers and shopping malls. She liked the contrast.

Her peaceful thoughts were interrupted when she heart a gasp from the other side of the sidewalk.

Cassie knitted her brows. She remembered the brunette that was leaning against her wall holding her swollen belly.

It was the wolf girl that was carrying Niklaus' child. She had hoped that it was a bad joke.

Her instincts to protect a pregnant woman were alerted. She sprinted over to the wolf, carefully laying a hand on her arm. She was burning up.

„Are you alright? What happened?"

The girl looked up to her in pain.

„Who the hell are you?"

She must be brave. Even in her bad situation she kept her attitude.

„I'm Cassie....I'm...I'm kind of a friend of the Mikaelsons."

Again she cramped in pain. Cassie wrapped her arm around her waist to stabilize her.

„Come on, I'll get you to the compound."

Hayley protested weakly. Cassie just dragged her with her.

„I don't what's going on...I...I felt a bit dizzy and wanted some fresh air and then...what if the baby..."

The pregnant woman mumbled.

„Don't. Nothing will happen to that baby under my watch."

Cassie said confidently. She knew it would help Hayley if she stayed positive. Although Cassie knew this was bad.

When they arrived at the compound they were greeted by Elijah who first looked confused when he saw Cassie but rushed to the women when he noticed Hayley's miserable condition.

He took the wolf girl out of Cassies arms and carried her to a table, yelling Niklaus' name. She never saw him that upset. A little hint of jealousy poisoned her stomach.

Niklaus stormed down the stairs followed by a red haired woman. He didn't seem to notice her.

Cassie felt a bit out of place. But instead of standing there doing nothing she sat next to Hayley and held her hand giving her a little comfort.

The redhead turned out to be a witch, Cassie was instantly suspicious. But she seemed to help. It felt like hours until the pregnant wolf recovered.

The blonde vampire had sometimes taken a look on her former husband. He shattered a chair on the wall, on the edge to getting crazy. He seemed to care about her.

When Hayley woke up everyone released their breaths in relief. She was sweaty and her mouth was smeared with Niklaus' blood but she lived.

Telling them about her dream about Mikael, Cassie let go of Hayleys hand and stepped a bit back, giving them privacy. She didn't belong to the family.

Cassie stood in front of the exquisitely realistic painting of Elijah when the pictured man approached her.

„Why did you help her?"

She closed her eyes for a moment before she turned around to face him.

„You know, even though you somehow remember me as a monster, I'm not someone who lets a pregnant girl die in the streets."

Elijah sighted and his voice became a bit softer.

„Thank you. And I'm sorry."

„For what?"

She laughed bitterly. There was quite a list for the things he should be sorry for.

„For insulting you at the party. You haven't done anything to me."

„Right, Elijah. I haven't done anything to you. Never."

She shook her head disappointed and turned to leave. Knowing she was not needed anymore.

„Kol told me. About his and Niklaus' lies."

Lifting an eyebrow she stopped waiting for him to say more.

„I should have believed you. My brothers have betrayed me more often than I could count and I was being a fool for falling for that again. You didn't...but..."

„There's a but? Elaborate."

She said sarcastically.

„You were too good for me. I believed I didn't deserve your love. And I was just waiting for the moment you would realize that, too."

Cassie snorted, having nothing to say about that. It was no reason for his behavior.

But it was long ago. She wanted to make her peace with it. Sighting, she continued on her way out.

„Good night, Elijah."

When she wanted to leave through the front entrance, someone gripped her wrist. It was Hayley.

„I just wanted you to know that I'm more than thankful that you helped me. You had no reason to. Elijah told me your story."

Cassie smiled lightly. She started to like the wolf girl. Tough, and honestly a good person. The vampire lightly placed a hand on her womb.

„Just call me when that little miracle is born. I'll bring a gift."

The women smiled in unison before Cassie disappeared. 

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