The Doppelgänger's Paradox

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When Cassie went down the stairs, she saw someone standing in the doorway of the compound. She was taller than her, had silky, long auburn hair that matched her cold eyes. She was wearing tight, obviously sexy clothing, all black.

On the outside, she was the complete opposite to Cassie, one light and one dark. They both did not know yet that they had the same damaged soul.

Cassie crossed her arms in front of her chest and pulled up her eyebrow.

„Who are you?"

„I could ask you the same question."

The women looked each other up and down suspiciously. Cassie didn't know what to think about her. She'd hurt people badly for less than her cocky tone. But somehow she felt that this one had an important message.

„Oh, you must be the housemaid. I'm looking for Elijah, is he here? You could get me some champaign while I browse this dusty shack for him."

The brunette tossed Cassie her leather jacket when she passed by. Cassie shot her a glare, being quite shocked. Never had she encountered some this disrespectful. Not even Rebekah. She was a polite lady compared to this brat.

The blonde vampire threw the jacket back in the strangers face. Cassie couldn't keep herself from smirking at the outraged face of the brunette. It was kind of funny how the puppet face with too much dramatical dark make up was gone, because her mouth stood wide open in shock.

Cassie's smile grew even wider when she saw the face of the woman facing her turned into that of a vampire. She felt her fangs piercing her lover lip and the veins under her eyes pulsating, too. Her predator instincts were on high alert. Oh, how she missed a good fight. She nodded at the other vampire as a provoking invitation.

Before one of them could attack, they were interrupted by a voice yelling from the balcony.

„Cassandra! Katerina!"

Both of them looked up to see Elijah, staring angrily. The name Katerina didn't ring a bell in Cassie's head, still she was asking herself what relation she had to Elijah. But that question would soon be answered.

The brunette walked up to Elijah, wearing a bright smile. When she reached him, she grabbed his tie and tried to kiss him, but Elijah pulled away quickly, giving Cassie an apologetic look.

„Yesterday in that hotel room, you were quite more welcoming."

Cassie furrowed her eyebrows. Yesterday. She understood quickly. So Elijah seemed to change his mind quickly. She turned to leave again, but suddenly Elijah grabbed her arms.

„It's not what it looks like, I can explain."

Shaking her head, she pulled away from his grip.

„No need to. I see you two want some alone time."

„Yes, you're totally right. But as you're here...the more, the merrier. If you haven't left me that quickly in the morning, I would've told you why I came to you in the first place."

Katerina joined them. Elijah rolled his eyes, regretting having an affair with the doppelgänger. This woman brought nothing but trouble and right now she would get in the way to win Cassie's heart back.

„Enlighten me, Katerina."

Cassie tapped her foot on the ground impatiently and looked at both of the vampires. Jealousy hit her when she imagined that Elijah kissed that woman, but she would never admit that.

„It's about your niece."

Their eyes widened when they heard Katerina's words, now paying full attention.

„Go on."

„I already heard by the yelling that woke all of New Orleans that someone poisoned her. I think you're smart enough to see that someone wants to lay hands on her. But that's not surprising you. Your families enemies are countless."

Cassie stepped closer to the other female vampire.

„Let me guess, you know who it is. But you want something from us, don't you?"

„Oh, darling, I don't want anything from you. You're his little lover, aren't you? The one he ditched?"

She smiled spitefully at Cassie.


Elijah saw Cassie's intention and grabbed her arm again.

„Calm down, little fighter. I just want your eternal gratefulness and maybe a place at Elijah's side."

Cassie laughed bitterly and Elijah covered his face in his hand.

„Oh, don't worry, you can have him. I don't care."

The doppelgänger looked a bit confused. She expected a more exhausting fight with his ex-wife. Elijah's patience ended and he motioned for Katerina to go on with her information.

„Well, this time, I don't think it's an enemy you're expecting. I took notice of a crazy vampire doctor who wants to make a serum to get truly immortal. You know, as in stronger and more deadly than an Original. You have to go into the unexplored and unstudied world of hybrids. What better object of study than the daughter of the first and strongest hybrid? A hybrid with vampire, wolf and witch potential."

Cassie and Elijah took in the shock when they understood Katerina's words. It meant serious danger for little Hope, from someone they didn't even know what he looked like. But there was still confusion.

„But why would he try to kill Hope?"

„I don't think that he tried to kill her. It was an experiment. He wanted to see if wolfsbane would hurt her. That's what he wants. He wants to become something that can't be hurt by vervain, wolfsbane or anything else. Can you imagine what that means for us? If Klaus dies, I die, too. I haven't fought 500 years to get free of your brother just to die when I get a glimpse at freedom."

Cassie snorted and shook her head. What a selfish bitch. Elijah and her of course had other intention. They loved Hope more than their own lives.

„Do you know where he is?"

„I heard his lab is somewhere near Seattle. I already booked a flight for you and me, meet me in an hour at the hotel."

Before there could be said anything more, Katerina disappeared. Cassie sighted, determined to accompany them. Elijah guessed her thoughts right.

„No, you're not coming."

He growled and pushed his hair back stressed.

„I am. Stop pushing me around, I can make my own decisions. End of story."

Cassie stomped away not waiting for his reply. Elijah sighted again, knowing that he couldn't stop her. He had to admit, he swore to himself that he would respect her decisions. Maybe he should start now, but these two women was explosive. He was right in the middle of it. This couldn't get any more complicated.

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