When The Levee Breaks

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„Cassandra! Cassie!"

Elijah yelled desperately. His instincts told him that something was wrong. He always felt it when Cassie was in danger. Their connection ran deep.

Since he and the girls parted, he hadn't heard anything of them. On his side of the tunnels, nothing was to be found. But he knew that something was down here. Something dangerous. And he couldn't bear the thought of Cassie being taken away from him again.

He looked around in the darkness surrounding him, listening carefully to any sound around him. His senses were on high alert.

Suddenly a trail of brunette hair tried to flew past him, but Elijah was faster than her. He grabbed Katerina by the throat, held her up and forced her do look at him.

„What did you do?"

Elijah's voice was dangerously calm. He knew she consumed vervain, so he wasn't able to compel her. But he had different ways to get it out of her.

Katherine just made choking sounds and struggled against his grip.


He hissed.

„Elijah...I...I...please, have mercy with me."

„I will show you mercy if you tell me what happened to Cassie!"

Tears came into Katherines eyes. She knew that look on Elijah's face. It was pure, blind rage. He would kill her without hesitation.

„I...I think the doctor took her...his lab is...down there...please, Elijah, let me live!"

She pointed down the hall nervously. Closing his eyes for a moment, he measured if he should kill her or not.

He broke Katherines neck with a flick of his hand. Carelessly, he threw her body to the side, walking deeper into the tunnel with a determined look on his face.

He would get the love of his life out of here. Unharmed.


Cassie pulled at the chains that were attached to the wall when she woke up. Her vision was blurry and her throat was so dry. The dim lights around her hurt her eyes, she couldn't see clearly. She groaned in pain.

It felt like...being a vampire in transition.

Suddenly, her eyes widened and she got it. The injection...the serum...he tried to make her into a beast. And it seemed to work!

She threw herself into the chains again, screaming in struggle.

„Oh, darling, please, save you strength. You must be very hungry, aren't you?"

The crazy doctor stepped out from the shadows and positioned himself in front of her.

„Let me go!"

She tried to bare her fangs, but they didn't grew through her flesh as usual.

„How sweet, you want to scare me. What a tough girl, fate chose right!"

He chirped happily and touched her cheek. She spat at his face, that was the only thing left to show her disrespect.

„Touch me again and I will rip that bloody, dirty hands of yours out!"

She growled. It hurt her throat even more and she coughed.

„Darling, you and I...if this works, we will share a very special connection. I will turn myself and we will be the most dangerous species in this world. And we will stay the only ones. I don't want to have that many equals. But you, so brave to be my test person...I will let you live, don't worry!"

He got a blood bag out of his jacket and ripped it open.

„No! no, no, no!"

She tried everything to stop him from feeding her the blood, but he grabbed her neck and forced it down her throat.

At first, she felt nothing. She just felt the relief of the thick liquid going down her hurting throat. Closing her eyes, she sucked the bag empty, not able to resist the urge to drink more.

„What a good girl..."

He cooed and stroked her hair. When Cassie opened her eyes again, the doctor noticed that they were gleaming in a deep red. This weren't the eyes of a normal vampire anymore...

...these were the eyes of a beast.

She stopped drinking all of a sudden and stopped in all of her tracks. Her eyes were wide open and stared directly into him. Power radiated off her and her creator stepped back in fear instinctively.

Cassie felt good. No, she felt awesome. Pure power was in her veins, she felt invincible. All of the problems she had were so far a way, they became minor. The pain was gone. She could deal with everyone in the world, no one would laugh in her face again and underestimate her. Her senses were even sharper as they were when she was a vampire.

A smile widened on her face. With ease, she broke the chains around her wrist. Before the doctor could disappear, she easily ripped through his flesh. His heart was out of his chest in the matter of second. She watched the frightened look on his face with joy. It was so easy to take a life. Such an easy way to solve a problem. Why didn't she see it until now?

Cassie bent down and searched the corpse for another dose of the serum. Luckily, she found it. She threw it on the ground and destroyed it with her heel. No one would be her equal. No one. She wanted to be alone on this, she never wanted to be forced to submit to anyone.

This would be her chance. Everyone would shake in fear by the sound of her name. Because she was able to kill everyone. Even an Original. Not that she wanted to.


Elijah's breathless voice ripped her out of her ecstasy. Her own thoughts frightened her. She never was that...brutal...cold...she never was an easy killer. This new side of her was crazy. It was merciless and with an uncontrollable hunger for bloodshed. 

„What...what happened to me..."

She whispered, suddenly out of power. Knowing that Elijah couldn't answer her question, she changed her face for a moment, her eyes turning red like blood, so he knew what happened in his absence.

Elijah's eyes showed her the whole spectrum of emotions in him. He felt relief that she lived, rage, because she was hurt, shock, because of all the blood covering her and the cruel smile on her face when he found her and...fear. But he didn't fear her, he feared what her turning would mean for their future. But it just lasted for a moment and he caught her when her legs grew weak and she nearly fell.

Holding her in arms, he whispered calming words in her ear. He promised her that everything would be alright, that she was strong enough and everything she wanted to hear. But he didn't knew if he was telling the truth.

She was something new, something no one knew anything about. They must figure out themselves.

„I promise you something. We will get through this. I will help you, I will stay by your side. Always and forever."

Cassie looked up at him, completely helpless. But there was hope in his eyes. Hope, that everything would end well, that she was going to live happily. That was the point when they knew it: She forgave him.

And Elijah promised something to himself. He would never leave her again. 

I Feel You - Elijah Mikaelson -Where stories live. Discover now