Black Holes and Revelations

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When Cassie woke up from her calm sleep, she met Elijah's eyes. He stared directly at her, watching her sleep. She were in his arms the whole night, falling asleep after she cried for hours. It felt right. They were made for each other and meant to be. In his arms was the place where she wanted to be forever.

But when Cassie remembered why she had cried last night, she pulled back, away from his comforting touch. There it was: the awkwardness and the sexual tension that surrounded them since Cassie got her memories back.

The blonde vampire stood up and looked out of the window for a moment before she opened the fridge to reveal two blood bags.


She handed one to Elijah. Their fingers lightly touched and the imaginary sparks flew between them. Cassie sighed and stepped back to grab her own meal. Closing her eyes she drank from the bag until it was empty, refilling herself with new energy.

„Do you really want to come with us? I don't care what happens to Katerina, but you...I don't know what will be waiting for us today."

„Hope is my niece, too, Elijah. Whoever wants to hurt her, I will destroy it or him or whatever."

She gave Elijah a determined look. Elijah rolled his eyes but didn't reply anything. Nothing could stop this woman if she really wanted something.


„Did you two sleep well? So cozy, in your bed, with butterflies and hearts surrounding you?"

Katherine smirked while she teased them. They were gathered in the car again. After they compelled some of the doctor's students they finally found out where his lab was. It was in a cellar, a bit outside Seattle.

She tried to cover her fear with cockiness. And she succeeded: she drove Cassie and Elijah nearly nuts. Katherine could see Elijah's knuckles turning white, grabbing the stirring wheel too tight.

„Oh, did I hit a soft spot? Although I do not understand what you see in this plain little girl, Elijah. I mean, you could've had me..."

Cassie couldn't keep to herself anymore and she blurted out the words she kept to herself for days now.

„Look, Kitty Kat, Katherine, Katerina or whatever you call yourself, you're afraid as hell, I understand, I'm too. But could you stop talking for a second?"

Katherine pulled up her eyebrows in surprise.

„Who do you think you are?"

„Oh, I think you and me - we are quite alike. We both are broken on the inside but cover it with a mask of sarcasm and try to be the all-so-strong-though-girls. We fall in love with the wrong men. We have always had to hide and run because other people made decisions for us. You like me more than you would admit. But the thing is that you're too afraid to make any connections in the real world, because you're scared of loosing someone again. You can stop being the all mighty Katherine Pierce, no one is behind you anymore!"

Elijah looked at Cassie proudly and smiled lightly. Katherine opened her mouth to say something but closed it shortly after. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and stared out of the window, being in silent thought for the rest of the way. This girl was getting behind her facade and this could risk her whole plan.


The cellar wasn't just a cellar, it was a complex system of tunnels, clearly designed to keep intruders away.

The vampires decided to split up. Katherine and Cassie would enter the left side of the tunnels, Elijah would search through the right side. He wasn't happy to not having Cassie at his side, not being able to protect her. But she was right when she said that someone needed to watch over Katherine. They couldn't trust the doppelgänger.

Silently, the women walked next to each other through the tunnels with their flashlights up. Sometimes little rooms came up, most of them empty or filled with folder without any content. The tunnels branched often, they just chose their direction by instinct, hoping it would get them somewhere.

Suddenly, the smell of blood hit the vampire's nostrils. They shared a glance and went on quickly, arriving at a large room a while later.

What they saw was shocking and disgusting at the same time. In one edge, there was a pile of dead bodies, some still sat in a chair, pale, bled to death. Cassie's eyes widened. She recognized that their smell was of werewolves. But some of them also were vampires and even humans. It reeked of death. She shivered and wanted to get the hell out of here.

„We should look for Elijah..."

When she turned around, she saw Katherine desperately looking for something. She threw over tables, she even examined some of the bodies.

„What are you..."

„Damn it! Where did this idiot left the serum?!"

The doppelgänger mumbled to herself, she even forgot the presence of the other vampire.

Her word's made Cassie understand. She had betrayed them. Cassie heard that it was never smart to trust Katherine Pierce, but until now she never understood what intention she had. Now it was clear.

„ came here to get the serum for yourself! You couldn't deliver Hope, so you needed us to find the lab and steal it."

Cassie rushed in front of Katherine. She knew she would never have a chance against the older vampire if it came to a fight.

Katherine now gave her attention and rolled her eyes.

„Did you really thought I just wanted to get into Elijah's bed? Huh, I seduce this fool in my baddest shape...You know, little Cassie, you were quite right. I am afraid to make any connections. But I do this because I think of my own survival, you should try that, too...I don't want to run anymore. I want to fight back. I want to be truly immortal."

Cassie was steaming with anger.

„And then what? You conquer the world? So that everyone shivers in fear by the sound of your name? Get revenge? Imitate the cruelties your enemies did to you? Oh Kitty, after all you still we be alone. Eternity is quite a long time to spend in loneliness, don't you think?"

The doppelgänger just laughed at her words.

„You and Mikaelsons, you will go down because you just care too much. You're pathetic. But I will make myself superior. So none of you fools we be able to use me again. Game on."

With one last smile, Katherine disappeared into the darkness, leaving Cassie alone in the lab.

Cassie's anger was replaced by fear when she felt the presence of someone else in the room. She instantly knew that it wasn't Elijah.

„Who's here? Show yourself!"

The vampire looked around nervously, grabbing the broken leg of a table as a weapon.

„I always like it when I get unexpected volunteer test persons."

A calm voice sounded from behind her. Before she could even turn around, she felt an injection driven into her neck.

Cassie screamed in pain, but the person behind her just grabbed her head and broke her neck like it was a twig. 

I Feel You - Elijah Mikaelson -Where stories live. Discover now