Please read

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Hello! hello from the oth--  wait. Okay. Sorry. Is it too late now to say sor--  okay. I'm sorry.
I mean--


Hello there!
Before you read my stories,  there a few information about me that you need to know :

1.  This is the first time I wrote stories. I apologize if it's weird or anything and I'm sorry if my English is bad and have some grammar mistakes. I'm Indonesian and I'm still learning so please understand. Huhu

2.  This story is imagines of you being Mark Tuan's girlfriend, so you already being Mark's girlfriend from the beginning. Please don't be confused when you're reading this book. Pfft, this part is not important anyway.

3.  If someone want to request a shot, you can comment them or message them to me. And if someone want to request a story being not Mark's girlfriend, you could message me and I'll consider it. Don't be shy you guys because I'm a potato.

4.  If any of you want to ask me some questions, you could comment in any of my chapters and add #AskAuthor .

5.  I won't write smut stories. Jesus , I'm still innocent people! If you want smut story, do not read this story. I will write scene that still in the base 2. Looks like i'm not innocent at all. Anyways, I WONT write shit like that okay. Still and stick to the basic.

I could add a few things later but these would do for now. 

Welcome to my book and enjoy!

Welcome to my book and enjoy!

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