Under The Mistletoe

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[A/N: The images are not mine!]

You frowned when you heard the doorbell ringing. While walking towards the door, you thought who might it be because you didn't expect anyone.

When you opened the door, you were confused because no one was around. Tried to take a peek outside, someone jumped in front of you, "BOO!"

You screamed in fright as you fell back on your bottom. Putting a hand on your chest, you try to calm your heartbeat down. Laughter filled the hall of your apartment as you glared at the person.

"That is not funny! You scared the hell out me!" You crossed your arms, annoyed with the boys in front of you.

"Aw, sorry Y/N. But that's the point, wasn't it?" Jackson grinned down at you but it quickly wiped off when you stepped on his foot hard. "Ow! How could you do that?"

You shrugged, "I have my ways," You lifted your arms up, "Now lift me up."

Jackson shook his head, "Nope. I'm cold," He passed over you before entering your apartment. You glared at him before saying sarcastically, "Yeah, sure. Come in."

An arm outstretched to you making you looked up at the owner. You smiled at him as he pulled you up. He smiled at you softly, "Hey Y/N."

"Hey Mark," You pulled him into a hug, "I thought you are going celebrate with your family?"

"I can't even I wanted to. Tight schedule this year." Mark kissed your head gently, "Besides, you are my family too."

You heart melted warmly because of his words but before you could say anything, Bambam cleared his throat. "I would love this romantic moment but I'm freezing to my ass, so excuse me!"

Bambam and Yugyeom pushed both of you away and entered your apartment while Jinyoung and Jaebum stared at them with a disproving look. Jinyoung turned to you, "Sorry. We just wanted to celebrate with you. Is that okay?"

You glanced at Jackson who sat on the couch with his legs up on the table, Yugyeom and Bambam who opened your fridge that you were assumed searching for food. Looking back at Jinyoung, you just smiled softly, "I think that's okay. You all are family so please," you gestured them to come in.

The three left boys grinned widely at you before entered. Youngjae lifted the bags he was holding, "We brought presents for you. Should I place them under the tree?"

"Oh yeah! Sure! But I haven't buy any presents, I thought you all would be gone to your families." You pouted but Mark grabbed your bottom lip before pushing it back to your mouth. "Hey!"

"Do you rather me bite it?" Mark asked you seriously.

You stared at him confused but as soon you understand, your cheeks warmed up immediately. You playfully pushed him in before shutting the door close. "Do-Don't say that!"

Bambam --who heard all of your conversations- scrunched his nose, "Ew."

Scoffing, you sat down next to Jackson, "Seriously, I haven't bought the presents."

Mark sat beside you, putting his arm around your shoulders then pulled your closer to him. Jaebum sat on the floor beside Jackson after smacking his legs off the table, "You haven't bought us presents? But it's already Christmas?"

You shrugged, "Usually you guys went back in January, so it doesn't matter when I bought them."

It was true. You and Mark have been dating for 4 years but both of you never celebrate it together because of your families. Mark has always gone to his family every Christmas and New Year.

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