Something About You

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requested by: StefaniaApollaro

"—and that's it for today, everyone. Good Evening." You hear your professor exclaimed in front of the class. The only sound of the class is everyone packing their stuff and walking out to the hall.

As you carefully put your books and pens inside your bag, your best friend approached your desk with a pout on her lips. "I just wish I could come with you tomorrow."

You snickered before going out of the class with her, playfully nudged her. "I am sure your parents will let you ditch your big family reunion."

"But it's GOT7 fan sign!" She cried before faking a cry.

Rolling your eyes, you pushed her playfully. "You've gone to their fan sign far too many times, you big baby. I'm pretty sure you could handle for not attending one of it."

"But this will be your first time! For all of the times, you chose the day where I cannot go." She pouted even more then yelped in pain as you pinched her side.

"I need to gather a lot of money and worked more than usual to buy this ticket. Don't blame me for not wanting to miss this chance to meet the one and only Mark Tuan."

Your friend opened her mouth to respond as you both neared the front door, the sounds of raindrops steal your attention right away.

"Oh no." You muttered worriedly.

"From all of the times, the rain decided to come today?" She frowned before looking at you, "But you have your umbrella, right?"

You bite your lips as you search through your bag, groaning when you found nothing. "I've must forget it at home. I'm so screwed."

Your friend delivered you a pity before her phone rings. She took a look at it before groaning, "It's my parents. They want me to go home early to prepare this big reunion." Then she gave you an apologetic look, "I hope I could give you a ride home, but our homes are completely in a different direction. I'm sorry, Y/N."

Unlike your best friend—whose home so far away, your home is just 15 minutes walk from your school. Hence, why you think you don't need a vehicle.

You waved her off, smiling brilliantly despite the situation, "It's fine. I could just run through it, I guess."

"Be careful, alright? It's cold out there." Your friend motioned goodbye at you before she ran to her car, the rain barely touched her as she got into her vehicle.

Sighing, you watched the hard rain with a determined look. "Here goes nothing," you whispered before you ran.


A ringing sound abruptly woke you up. Groaning, you lazily get out from many layers of blankets and shut down the alarm. Hardly awake, your eyes noticed a sticky note on top of your alarm. It reads; WAKE YOUR ASS UP BECAUSE GOT7 FANSIGN IS TODAY!

The words are all you need to jump out from bed to prepare yourself—but immediately stopped as you feel your head hammering harshly. You tried to ignore it as you walked slowly to the bathroom.

As you prepare yourself, you began to notice the result of running through hard rain yesterday. Your body doesn't feel so good, it felt hot and weak. You drank some vitamins hoping they will solve your body problem right away.

You decided to wear your baggy hoodies as you feel strangely cold although your body is sweating. Also, you settled on wearing a cap since anyone will notice how pale and sick you are from your face.

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