Couple Video #Idol2

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You sat down next to sleeping Mark. His head is on his arm on the desk, in front of him there is food. You raised your eyebrows at him and turned your head at the camera.

Yep. Both of you are making a video for the fans. It's like got2day but this time all got7 make a video with their partners. You are Mark's partner and also his girlfriend.

You're late and Mark fell asleep waiting for you. He didn't realize right after you came, the recording is on.

"Did he fell asleep waiting for me?" you said to the camera and looked at the crew behind it as they nodded. You sighed and wake him up.

"Mark, come on wake up. The camera is on. Wake up~" you whispered to his ear as you shake his body gently. He groaned and cover his eyes, back to sleep.

"Mark, wake up~ We're gonna make the video," you whined to him as you lifted his arm that covered his eyes.

He groaned again and sit up straightly. He rubbed his eyes, "What took you so long? I waited for like.. 15 minutes." he whined to you.

You laughed at him, "Mianhae. I'm here now." you shrugged at him as he narrowed his eyes at you.

" you shrugged at him as he narrowed his eyes at you

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He pouted and looked at the camera. You couldn't help but to pinched his cheeks. He slaps your hands shocked and you laughed when he blushes.

"Yah! Don't do that!" He said to you rubbing his cheeks as you smiled at him and looked at the camera, winking.

"So, what are we going to do? I don't know what we supposed to do," you said to him but still stared at the camera.

"Molla. Just talk," he replied taking the food in front of him and start eating. You pouted at him, "How could we talk if you start eating?"

He shrugged and offered his food but you denied. You looked at the camera and start thinking what to say.

"Y/N and I are the quietest members. I hope this video isn't boring like usual." Mark said while he eating.

You pout, "Nope. I'm not gonna make this video boring. For once let's be Jackson and Bambam." you giggle. Mark turned to you, "Why Jackson and Bambam though?"

You titled your head at him like 'duh' and he laughed. You started, "Well, Mark and I have a lot of similarities. We are the quietest member, we are the oldest member, born in LA, hmmm.." you tried to think something else but Mark beat you to it.

"We both can do martial arts, we are dancers, we like to play basketball, fluent in English." He continues as he started to eat the snacks and looked at the ceiling thinking with you.

"Well, there's a lot of it. Let's say because of that we become so close," you said smiling.

"Yeah, so so close," he smirked and leaned to kiss your cheek.

You blushed and the crew snickered at you. You could hear Bambam said 'EW' and Mark laughed.

"I remember Jackson being jealous of me. I stole you from him he says." you giggled remembering the event.

Mark chuckled, "Well, what can I say. I am perfect." he said proudly but immediately pout when you scrunched your nose at him.

You laughed, "Yeah, okay. Whatever makes you happy." you turned to the camera, "Sometimes Mark is pretty cocky. I rarely see him like this." you gestured to him.

"Oh yeah? Araso " he said crossed his arms and looked away.

You giggled at his attitude, " Oh, come on Mark. Don't be like that, please~" you aegyo at him while you tugging his arms.

He tried to avoid you because he knew he would give up because of your aegyo but you got an idea. You grabbed his face and kissed him on the cheek quickly.

He blushed and once again you could hear everyone say 'EW' in the back. "Oh, cut it guys!" you shouted at them while grinning.

"Karma is a beach" you winked at the camera and started to laughed evilly

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"Karma is a beach" you winked at the camera and started to laughed evilly.

"First of all, it's a bi--" you kissed him in the cheek again and he yelped.

"I hate you," said Mark rubbing his cheek. "No. You love me," you replied to him. 

He smiled at you, "Do you love me back?" he asked leaning close to you.

You blushed and nodded your head rapidly. He chuckled, " I started to think this is a couple video," he said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

You grinned and poked his stomach which made him let out a squeal, "No. Don't start," he pointed his finger at you while you laughed.

You noticed there's an egg that hasn't been eaten. You took it and knocked it on Mark's head trying to do what Bambam did on got2day. Mark glared at you, took the egg and knocked it on your head.

"Ow! Mark! That hurts ~" you whined on him as you hold your head. "Why did you do it to me then?" Mark said to put down the egg.

"I want to do it like Bambam but you hit me so hard," you said glared playfully at him while Mark laughed. "Yah! Why you laughed? It hurts!"

"Aw, I'm sorry Pabo~. Here" he took your hand away and starts rubbing your head by his hand that was on your shoulder.

"Better?" he said after rubbing your head. You nodded but his hand started to play with your long hair. You don't mind at all, you kinda love it when he does that.

He continues playing with your hair as you started to eat the egg. Mark watched you like he's watching the best movies he's ever had. You noticed and you turned his head away, embarrassed.

He laughed and turned to the camera, "She's beautiful, isn't she? Even when she eats like a pig."

You snorted and slapped his thigh. He chuckled while he took a drink for you. You took it and thanked him while he turned to the camera once again.

"Ah, I look messy," he said as he lifted his cap and fixed his hair. You stared at him, observing him. His face looks perfect and his brown hair looked neat. Because of that, you stared at him blankly.

He stared back at you blankly. "Your hair looked neat and you said you look messy?" you asked him as you rolled your eyes.

He shrugged and mess your hair. You squeal, "Ah! Mark!" and he laughed. You sighed, took his cap and wear it so it covers your hair.

"I hate you," you said to him

"Nope. You love me," he said hugging you.

"EW!" everyone said in the back.


Hey guys! So that's it :))

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