Not Human

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Mark Tuan is your favorite idol. Since you saw him from his debut video you already fell in love with him. His handsome face, pale skin and amazing body made you shivered in delight. How can you not?

You can't believe that he's your boyfriend.

The story was simple. As a fan, you always tried to go to GOT7 concerts. Everything you went, you never missed the meet and greet. You are always excited to meet GOT7 especially him. And strangely, he felt the same.

Mark always recognize your face in the middle of the crowd. Something about you attracts him in a weird way. His eyes always lit up when you came to see him and his heart was beating so hard in his chest. Every touch you made him went mad in a good way and he never wants you to stop. The feeling is addicting. He was addicted to you.

He realizes this and he wanted to make you become his. The thought of you belong to someone else made him angry so he had to make it fast.

As for you, you already fell in love with him. No was not an option.

Now here you are. You become famous because you are his girl, Mark's girl. You never wanted to be famous but because you're a girlfriend of an idol, this is the life that you need to live in.

You never complained. You tried to adapt in this celebrity world and Mark helped you so it got easier and you're glad. Both of you have been dating for 2 years now and you had lived a perfect life with him.

But this year is different. He told you something that made you question about your own being.

"Yo-You're a what?"

Mark bit his lower lip nervously, "I'm a vampire."

You stood in there in the middle of his living room with mouth opened. Vampire? He must be joking. You scoffed at him before forcing a laugh, "Yeah, a vampire."

He furrowed his eyebrows before standing up, "I'm not joking Y/N. I'm serious, I am a vampire."

"Mark, it's not funny! Stop it!" You snapped at him, hoping he would stop this nonsense. "There are no vampires! They are only in fairy-tales!"

Your boyfriend just sighed and shook his head, "No, they are real. I am one of them Y/N. You have to believe me."

Both of you stared at each other in silence. Mark stared at you with his pleading eyes while you only glared at him. You turned around before taking your jacket. Mark looked confused, "Where are you going?"

Walking towards the door, you took a glance at him. "I am going home and I'm giving you space. Obviously, you're not in your right mind now."

You felt a strong wind passed and suddenly Marks was in front of you. You halted in your steps in shock, "H-How did, How did you do that?"

Mark sighed before looking down, "I just told you. I'm not human, I'm a vampire."

Hearing steps, Mark looked up at you but only to see your terrified face. He swore his heart just dropped when he saw how terrified you were. Your widened eyes with fear in them, your shaking body and he could hear your heart beat went faster in every second. You were taking steps backward away from him.

You afraid of him.

"Baby, no no," Mark tried to reach you but you flinched, making him draw his hand away immediately. "Y/N, I'm not gonna hurt you."

"You-" You shakily stepped away from him, trying to create distance far from him, "Don't you dare come near me!"

You cannot control your heartbeat, it was beating so fast you worried you're going to have a heart attack. While stepping away from him, your fingers were searching something-- anything to protect you.

Mark Tuan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now