Stay with me

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I love you, baby I,
I love you (aju orae jeonbuteo)
I love you, baby I,
I love you (I do)--

You woke up and tried to search your ringing phone. You search it under your pillow and under your blanket resulting Mark to groan. Fuck, where is that stupid phone?  You listened closely and realized it is under Mark body. You reached your phone under him and quickly answer the caller. 

"Hello?" you said with your eyes closed. Mark turned his body groaning and wrapped his arms around your waist since you were in sitting position. 

"Yes, mom? Yeah, I just woke up. No. I don't know. Yes. Yea. No. No. Okay, bye." you said ended the call and throw your phone to nowhere. Great, my mom just ruined my sleep because of nothing.

You laid back down and buried your head into Mark's bare chest. Mark put one of his arms behind your head and put the other hand around your waist and slept once again. 

You tried to sleep but because of your phone call earlier, you can't. You sighed and looked up at Mark. He's sleeping peacefully like an angel he is. You unconsciously touched his nose going to his cheek, his sharp jaw, his long neck and goes back into his soft lips.

When you touched his lips, he kissed your fingers. He opened his eyes looking down at you and smiled beautifully. You smiled back at him but started to get out from the bed. 

He groaned as you glanced at him. "Where are you going?" he asked with his husky voice. His voice made your stomach churned and you can feel your heart started to beat faster than before. "I'm going to--"

"Nooooo~" he protests hugged your waist. You let go his arms around you and stood up. "Nooo," he whined making grabbing hand at you, "Come backkk~"

You raised your eyebrow at him, amused. He looked at you and leaned on his elbows. 

"Come here," he said narrowed his beautiful eyes. "Come on baby, come back to sleep with me. I know you want it. You want these." he said gestured the bed then himself. 

You rolled your eyes, "I gonna make some breakfast okay." you said walking to the door.  When you turned the knob, you found yourself being pushed to the door with your hands behind your back. "What the-- Mark!"

He turned you around, pinned your hands above your head and smirked, "What did I say Y/N? Come back to bed." he said playfully.

You narrowed your eyes at him, challenging him, "Or what?"

In a flash, he picked you up to his shoulder like you're a shack potato. "Oh my-- Put me down! Hey!" you exclaimed as he went to the bed.

He throws you on the bed, climbed to the top of your body, braced his forearms beside your head, caging you. His nose brushed with yours and he stared deeply into your eyes. It felt like you were under his spell making you unconsciously leaned forward to kiss him.

He kissed you back and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He licked your lower lip asking for permission but you denied, makes him growls playfully at you. You giggled as he laid beside you, pulling you to his embrace. 

He kissed your nose, "I love you Y/N. Now stay with me." he said closing his eyes.

Mark Tuan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now