Accident #2

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You opened your eyes and looked around. You're in the white room and you realized you're in the hospital. You looked at your side and there are nurses and doctor looking at you.

"Ma'am, I'm glad that you're awake. Could y--" The doctor start speaking but you cut him off. 

"Where's my boyfriend?" You asked him with a croaked voice. The doctor started at you with knowing eyes, "He's in the operation right now. He's going to be okay. I need you to stay here while I gonna start bandaging you up."

"I need to--"

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but I can't do that. You could wait for him after I done doing my job on you." The doctor cut you off when you start protesting. He knows that you want to wait for Mark but he knows that you need to get take care of first.

You sighed and nodded to him. The doctor smiled softly at you and start to check you. He said a few things that your leg is bruised badly. Your leg blood circulation being stopped because of the strangulated you had in the car. He said that you can't walk properly for a month or so. He cleaned and bandage your cuts.

After he's done, he told you where Mark's operation is. He smiled at you softly, "Get well soon for you and your boyfriend. Your friend has already been called so they arrive shortly. Good luck."

You kinda ran-limped to the operation room and when you arrived you saw from the blurry glasses that the doctor and nurses are operating him. You took a deep breath and your eyes started to tear up.

You slid down to the wall next to the door and you closed your eyes, praying Mark to be okay. The second you closed your eyes, you remember the event before the accident. About him telling you that he loves you and asked you to say the same. 

I should say it to him without questioning anything. I should say I love him.

Your body starts shaking and you sobbed quietly on the floor. You pulled your legs close to your chest and put your fingers on your hair. You ignore the pain on your leg and cried.

He's fine. He's fine. He's a fighter. He can go through this. He's gonna be okay.


You lifted your head and looked at the person in front of you. Jinyoung widened his eyes when he realized it is you. He turned and shouted at the boys, "She's here! She's here!" After that, he quickly hugged your shaking body.

You hugged him back and get a fistful of his shirt. He sighed heavily and start to caress your hair softly. You don't want to pull back because you really need a comfort right now and Jinyoung noticed that. 

He sat down next to you and he pulled you on his lap. He laid your head on his shoulder and he starts to caress your hair. You sighed and still grab a fistful of his shirt for something to hold on to. 

You looked at the others. Jackson sat next to Jinyoung and frowned, "Already on a check, Y/N?"

You nodded weakly at him and he smiled softly at you, "He's going to be fine Y/N. You know how he is." You nodded again and hid your face on the crook of Jinyoung's neck.

"How is she?" you heard Jaebum asked Jinyoung. You presumed that Jaebum just came after filling the paper. Jinyoung sighed, "She was crying. She is still shaking. She didn't say anything yet."

"Her leg." you heard Bambam gasped out. You felt Jinyoung shuffling to look at it and frowned, "Y/N, you told us that you already been checked out."

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