Let me remind you

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"Y/N, could you get me that towel?"

You glanced at Jaebum and nodded your head. You push Mark's back, a sign for him to move so you could stand up. You and the boys are in the practice room. Mark tiredly was sitting on the floor, leaning to you that was sitting on the couch behind him. You were brushing his hair from his face but Jaebum 

You ignored Mark's whine when you take the towel. Jaebum grinned at you and wink when you gave him the towel, "Thank you Y/N."

You raised your eyebrow at him because the weird behavior but choose to ignore it. Returning to the couch, Mark shoots you an annoying look and Jaebum a glare. You furrowed your eyebrows but sat behind him anyways.

Mark shifted closer to you and leaned his head back so his head is on your lap. You smiled at the gesture but before you could brush his hair again, Jinyoung called you.

"Y/N! Come here for a minute?" Jinyoung waving you to come to the couch he was sitting at. He is grinning mischievously which got a glare from Mark. You sighed and kissed your boyfriend's head before you went to Jinyoung.

"What is it?" you crossed your arms. Jinyoung patted the seat beside him but you rolled your eyes. Before you could say anything, Jinyoung pulled your arms and pulled you to sit down. You sat with a huff of breath, "Jinyoung, you could say anything without me sitting down next to you."

He just shrugged and draped his arm around your shoulder. You stared at him confused, "You and Jaebum acted really weird today," you glanced at Jaebum, "Do I need to be worried?"

Yugyeom sat beside you -a little too close- you may add, "Worried about what?"

You moved away from him causing your body bumped with Jinyoung's. You are really close with him so you want to move away from him too. But your motive was destroyed when Yugyeom took the space resulting you are sandwiched between Jinyoung and Yugyeom -like literally sandwiched.

"Uhm, guys," you put your hand on their chests, "Could you just--" you pushed them but they don't move an inch. Then you tried to get up but Jinyoung's arm that was draped around your shoulder pulled you back. You sighed and looked up in desperation, "What do you both want?"

"Why? Can't three of us have a time together?" Yugyeom asks innocently. You looked at him and Jinyoung blankly, "Really?Seriously?"

"Dead serious," Jinyoung looked at Yugyeom playfully, "We rarely have time together these days. When was the last time we hang out?"

Still with your blank face, you spoke, "We were watching a movie together and both of you fought over your favorite characters. Both of you argued until the movie ended," you lifted your finger before the two of them interject, "AND, you both left me to tidy all the mess that BOTH of you cause because of the fight."

"Well that rarely happens--" Yugyeom tried to speak but you cut him off.

You snorted, "Rarely?  You guys are like cats and dogs. Both you always argued." you lifted your eyebrows at them, give them the look.

Yugyeom smirked, "Well, is not my fault that I don't like cats that--"

"What's that supposed to mean? You think I'm the cat?" Jinyoung cut him off. Giving him an annoying look, "Keep dreaming Yugyeom, I am the dog." 

That's it, ladies and gentlemen, the debate starts.

You groaned loudly and stood up when they start arguing. You started walking to the couch where Mark is but stop in mid-way when you realized he isn't there. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

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