A Great Teacher

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"Are you sure you want to do this Y/N?"

You stared at your boyfriend's unsure eyes before smiled slightly. You were in a park with Mark with his skateboard hanging in your arms. You decided to try skateboarding since your boyfriend is very good at it. 

At first, you came to the park just to keep him a company but when you saw him skateboarding, you got curious and eventually demand Mark teach you. 

He hesitated first because you have a zero experience about skateboarding but he couldn't resist your pout face with your puppy eyes. It just made his heart melt.

"I am sure. With a handsome and talented teacher, how hard could it be?"




"Why is this so hard?" You whined loudly as you fell on your butt for the fifth time. As you stood up, you rubbed your butt slowly to ease the pain. 

Mark chuckled while he was standing on top of the skateboard like it was the second ground. You glared at his skateboard and his legs. 

"Curse you with your perfect balance skill." You said to him as you crossed your arms. He laughed and it made your heart jolt with happiness. Although your butt is hurt like hell.

"Babe, I have play skateboard since I was a kid. It needs a lot of practice to actually skilled at it." He chuckled at you and stepped down from his skateboard. He tapped the tag end of the skateboard making the other end jumped to his hands. 

"I already fell fifth times, making my butt hurt as hell--"

"It was actually eighth times--" Mark lifted eight fingers,

"And I couldn't do the turns--" 

"You couldn't even stand on the board." He chuckled at you.

You glared at him before you pointed at him with narrowed eyes, "Shut up. I blame this on you. You're not a good teacher, you didn't teach me well. Now my dream is crushed."

Mark rolled his eyes before walking closer to you. When he stood right in front of you, he leaned forward and kissed your forehead tenderly, "My poor baby." You rolled your eyes before playfully pushed him away from you, "Mark, come on. I'm serious right now."

He huffed as he put his skateboard down and rolled it to you. You stopped it with your foot while he walked closer to you again, "Okay then princess. Step on the board."

You bit your lip nervously when you stepped one of your foot first before do the other. You wobbled but Mark quickly grabbed your hands so you won't fall off. 

Sighing in relief, you try to stay steady on the board. You looked up at Mark when he spoke to you, "Open your legs a bit and make them straight." 

When you did what he says, he hummed in approval. "Good. Now I'm gonna let go of your hands. Are you ready baby?" You nodded your head, "One, two, three!"

On three, he let go of your hands slowly but he keeps his arms in front of you in case if you fall. You wobbled for a minute but then stopped. Right now, you were standing on the board steadily. 

You grinned in happiness and you looked up to Mark. "I did it! I did it!" You exclaimed loudly which made Mark smiled because of your cuteness.

When he saw your frowned face, his smile quickly dropped. "What's wrong Y/N?"

You gulped then laughed nervously, "How do I get down?"

Your boyfriend stared at you with his blank handsome face, "You didn't know how to get down?" Trying to grab his hand, you whined, "The only way I know is falling." Mark stepped away from you making you whined louder, "Mark! Please, please!"

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