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"Y/N, are you ready?" Mark knocked to your bedroom door. "We should go, it's gonna rain outside!"

"Just a minute!" You shouted at him while you put your shoes on. 

"Okay! I'll be right downstairs okay baby?" Mark shouted back to you and you heard his footsteps walking away from your door. 

"Okay!" you said as you quickly took your black cap and wear it. You put your hair on a ponytail and looked at the mirror. You wearing a loose white shirt with black jeans and your favorite brown shoes. You nodded for your outfit and went downstairs.

You saw him sitting on the couch while watching a cartoon. You giggled quietly and tiptoed so he couldn't hear you. His back is facing you so he didn't see you.

He was too focused to the cartoon that he didn't notice that you swing your legs around him and sat on his lap so your kinda straddle him. You put your arms around him and grinning widely. 

He froze for a minute but relax as soon as he realized it was you. He sighed and put his arms around your waist, "You scared me."

You laughed evilly, "I did, didn't I?" you cupped his face and squeeze his cheeks. "I heard that you rarely got scared, Markiepoo."

He glared at you playfully, "I do and don't call me that." He took your hands away and intertwined your fingers together. He didn't put your hands down so you and he started pushing each other playfully with your hands.

"And only Jackson could call you that? I am hurt, Mark Tuan." You said to him acting hurt and pouted. He chuckled and yanked you into him.

You yelped and land on you elbows beside his head. He bit his lip and put his arms around your waist again. He stares deeply at your eyes, "Well, if you start to call me that, I think I need to tell Jackson to search other nicknames for me."

You tilted your head, "Why?" both of your lips brushed each other when you talked.

"Because I like it when only my girlfriend called me that." He whispered to you and lean towards you. He wants to kiss your lips but you turned your head away so he kissed your cheek.

He groaned and put his head on the crook of your neck. You giggled, "And who's your girlfriend?" 

"Well, her name is Y/L/N and I love her so much it hurts," he mumbled to your neck. You smiled and pulled his head so you're facing each other.

"Aw, did it hurt? Want me to kiss it so get better?" you asked him, biting your lips. Mark looked at your lips and nodded eagerly.

You smirked and leaned forward. When both of your lips are about a centimeter away, you jumped off him, "I think it starts to rain, we better go."

He groaned and laid his head back on the couch, "You gonna be the death of me." he grumbled.

You laughed and turned off the TV. You took your phone and money from the desk. You turned to Mark and found him still sitting on the couch. You giggled and nudged his legs, "Come on pretty boy. We should be going right now. Jinyoung will go into 'mom' mode if we're late."

"Oh yeah? And who's fault is that?" Mark looked at you and stood up. He took your hand and went outside the house. 

"You, of course. Who else?" You giggled and turned to lock the door. Mark sighed loudly and went to his car. You jiggled your door to make sure it's locked and went to his car.

You found out that Mark opened the passenger door for you like a gentleman he is. You narrowed your eyes at him suspicious but he just shrugged innocently, "Here wear a jacket, it's gonna be cold." he showed the jacket to you and you wear it.

Mark Tuan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now