Go Without You

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You fiddled your fingers as you walked slightly behind your friends. Eyes cautiously scanning the area, you bit your lip nervously.

"Guys, this is a bad idea." You said when you noticed the big sign of a club name shining brightly.

One of your friends stops before pulling you to walk with her. "Relax, girl! You've been staying in that house for too long, you need some real fun!"

You look unsurely at the people who are lining up to enter the club and the big bodyguard who stood stoically in front of the big door. Frowning, you turned back to your friends, "I thought we are going to watch a movie."

"Watching movies is boring!" Your other friend said, slightly hurting your feeling because you love watching movies, especially cartoons. "Don't worry. Your boyfriend won't know you are here."

You doubted that. They don't know exactly who Mark is.

Having fun in a night club is the least of your worry. You've done that plenty of times. Getting drunk and dance freely as long as you desired. You don't need to worry about anything because every time you're having fun, a pair of eyes are always watching you and making sure that you're away from any harm.

No one will ever dare to touch you or even approach you except for some people that you and he know. A person will have a death wish if they ever want to touch you.

No one wants to mess with a Mafia.

"That's what I'm worried about." You pulled your hand away from your friend. "You guys go ahead and have fun. I'm going home." You turned away from them and started to walk away.

"Y/N, stop being boring." They scoffed at you.

You pulled out your phone, ready to contact Mark before your phone got taken away from you. "Hey!"

Your friend shut off your phone and put it inside her bag. She closes her bag and smiled reassuringly, "Let's go."

"B-But--" You tried to protest but your friend grabbed your arms and literally dragged you to the club.

This is bad. This is so bad. Mark is going to be pissed!

Days before, you asked Mark if you could go to watch a movie with your friends. He was hesitant at first but seeing your pouty lips and your beautiful eyes, he couldn't say no.

Mark wanted you to go with the members or with at least two bodyguards but you refused, stating that it's Girls Night, no boys are allowed. He frowned at the thought of you being alone but the frowns washed away when you sweetly kissed him.

Yes, the most ruthless mafia in the country is a total softy when it comes to you.

The night before you left, Mark clearly has mafia work to go to. He asked you to always contact him to make sure you're really safe. Being a sweet boyfriend he is, he waited for your friends to pick you up before he left the house to do his illegal work.

This is not going end well, you thought bitterly as your friends dragged you further into the club.


Mark was reading some files as he sips his glass of whiskey. He glanced at his phone, waiting for you to text him but his screen remains black. He sighed and leaned back on the couch.

"What's wrong, Mark?" Jaebum asked from the couch across him. His eyes are scanning the paper in his hand.

"It's just Y/N."

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