Too tired

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You lay your head against the window of the car as your friend drove you back. You just finished your sports training and you were very tired. You trained for almost 6 hours already and your coach is being an asshole today. 

When you got into the car, your eyes immediately started to shut down by themselves. You tried to stay awake but your body is too tired to do so. You excuse yourself to your friend to fell asleep. 

"Y/N, wake up!" someone is shaking you. You could hear your friend's voice trying to wake you up. You opened your eyes and looked around. You frowned when you realized you're not in front of your house. You stared at your friend in a questioning manner.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you this before Y/N. But I need to go to my boyfriend house and your home is not the same direction as his. So I drove you to where GOT7 always practice their dances." you friend shot you a guilty face as you raised one of your eyebrows. 

You sighed, "Yeah, that's okay. Thanks for the ride." You took your bag and got out. Once you're in front of the building, your friend drove off. 

When you walked, you could feel every part of your body is protesting and your headache started to show up. You sighed heavily and went to the dance studio. No one is there when you entered. You looked up at the clock and saw it was 13.30.

"Well, I think I could rest for a while because he's not coming until 14.30." You mumbled to yourself as you put your bag on the floor and dragged yourself into the large long sofa.

Your headache is getting worse and you sighed relief when you laid down. You took your jacket and put them on top of your body so it's like a blanket.

Your closed your eyes and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Not long, you feel someone is kneeling in front you laying body, you heard a whispering but because you're too tired, you didn't mind it.

And then you feel someone caressing your head gently, moving your hair from your face. You opened your eyes and lifted your head a little to see the person in front of you.

Your eyes met Mark's and he smiled softly at you. You squinted your eyes because of your headache. Mark noticed and he whispered, "Hey Jagi."

"Hey Mark," you whispered back and laid your head back on the couch but still looking at him. He sat down on the floor next to the couch and continued to caress your head. 

"Tired?" he asked whispered and you nodded but winced because of the shaking. Mark frowned, "A headache?" and then you answered with a sigh.

"Why are you here? You supposed to be at home." He looked at you with worried eyes. You sighed and whispered, "My friend drops me here because she wants to go to her boyfriend."

"She left you like this just because of her boyfriend?" he asked harshly. You could hear there's anger in his voice. You smiled lightly and touched his cheek.

"It's okay. I got a headache when I arrived here," you explained to him. You continued to caress his cheek but stop when a headache is getting worse. You held your palm on your temple, trying to ease the pain.

Mark looked at you and he furrowed his eyebrows, "I will drive you home Y/N, it's clear that you need a rest."


"No buts, I will practice later. You're more important right now." He stood up and went to the boys.

You sat up slowly and wear your jacket. You stood up and bow down to take your bag. But the bag vanished from your eyesight because Mark picked it up, "Let's go Jagi."

"Get well soon Y/N Noona!" Bambam waved at you and you turned to them and waved back. You went outside with Mark and went to Mark's car. You stop walking when your head starts spinning and you can't be focused.

Mark halted from his walking and ran to you, "Y/N?". He grabbed you waist and put his arms around you to keep your balance. You were holding his arms, "I-I can't f-focused."

Not long after that, you found yourself been carried by Mark. You feel his arms on your legs and your back. He kinda jogged to the car and put you in the passenger seat carefully, "Sleep if you can."

Mark closed the car door silently and went to his side. He started the car and drove off, "Do I need to bring you to a hospital?" His voice is full of concern, "God, you looked so drained out."

You mumbled out and closed your eyes, "No, I'll be okay. It just a headache, I just need to rest."

Mark glance at you and he seemed unsure what to do, but he nodded anyway, "Okay then. Go to sleep."

You barely hear his voice because of you already half asleep, you laid your head back and finally fell into darkness. You awake by the sound of door opening and felt there are familiar arms around you, lifting you up. You put your arms around that someone neck and the person place your head on their shoulder.

Not for long, you've been laid down on your own bed. "Jagiya, lift your body a little. I'm gonna take off you jacket baby."

I heard Mark's husky voice and lift your body a little. He took off your jacket slowly and pushed your body down to bed. You heard shuffling and silence after that.

"Baby, come on. Drink your medicine." You opened your eyes and found that Mark is holding a cup of tea and a medicine. You took it and drink the medicine.

"Good girl. Now lay down and go to sleep." Mark took the cup for you and pushed you back. Mark took off your shoes and get in the bed with you. 

"Mark, you have prac--"

"Shhh, it's okay. Now sleep baby, I'm here." Mark wrapped his arms around you and being the big spoon. He tucked both of you into the blanket and he started to caress your head.

"Thank you, baby, you are the best boyfriend ever." You mumbled to his chest.

"Of course Jagi, I'll do anything for you."


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