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[A/N: I do not own these gifs or the videos. Also check out Smyang on Youtube! It's really good!]

You're playing with GOT7 on their music studios. The studios filled with laughter especially Jackson laughter that sounds like hyenas.

Youngjae tried to play the piano beautifully but always messed up when his friends teased him. You laughed when he messed up again. He seems annoyed but laughed anyway.

"Yah! Hajima! I can't focus!" he said while covered his ears

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"Yah! Hajima! I can't focus!" he said while covered his ears. 

You and other were sitting on the sofas around the desk in front of you, facing the piano. You were sitting between Mark and Bambam whose beside Jinyoung. So the four of you sitting in the same large couch. Yugyeom and Jaebum were sitting on the single couch.

"I wanna try! I wanna try!" Bambam shouted "I already learned 'River Follows in You' by Yiruma." he said standing up. 

"It's 'River Flows in You', Bambam," Mark mumbled out loud and you snorted. 

"Oh yeah, that's what I mean," Bambam said blushing and everyone laughed. Bambam sit down and place his fingers on the keys.

"Okay. Three, two, one, Go!" Jackson counted.

You laughed because of his face when he plays. He quickens the pace and screamed when he finished which you giggled at. He stands up and sat back down on the couch next to you.

"That's it?" you raise your eyebrow at him as he sat down.

"Oh? Oh yeah. Hehe," he said blushing put his hand behind his neck. You giggled and took the food that Mark offered. 

"Wait, Noona. You can play piano right?" Yugyeom asked you out of the blue. You looked at him and nodded slowly as you eat the food.

"Oh yeah, Y/N is very good at it. You can request any song to her, she can play it." Mark said nudged you on the arm. You widened your eyes at him and smack him lightly on the chest.

"Waaaa. Okay then. Y/N could you please for us?" Jaebum asked you while he gestured the piano.

"Oh.. I.. Uhm.." you looked at Mark ask for help but he just chuckled and nodded. You sighed and stood up made everyone cheer at you.

"Okay. What song do you want me to play?" You asked them, wiggling your fingers.

"Kiss the rain!" Bambam shouted but Mark waved him off. 

"Nope. Y/n could play better than that. Let's try our song, okay babe?" he said to you. Geez, that dimsum.

You sighed and start playing your favorite song from their album.

When you finished, you turned to the boys. They all gaped except Mark. Mark has a little smirk on his lips. You laughed because of their reaction.

"That is so good! I don't know you could play our song!" Youngjae said to you waving his arms in the air. The other just nodded their heads.

"Well, you didn't ask," you said shrugging your shoulders. 

"I'm gonna ask you then. Could you play other songs?" Jinyoung asked.

You nodded, placing your fingers on the keys. You thinking what song would you play and when you got it, you started playing.

You didn't realize you were smiling when you played this song. Your fingers fluently press the keys after keys. Got7 silently watched you, amazement in their eyes. 

When you finished, they gave up an applause. You stand up while blushing then walked to the couch. When you sat down, Mark wrapped his arm around your shoulders and you leaned to him.

"You're talented Y/N! How come you never show this to us?" Jackson said to you. 

You shrugged, "You never asked." Jackson gives you his blank face and everyone laughed. 

"Damn, if you're my girlfriend," Jaebum started talking but Mark cut him off. "Don't even think about it."

Jaebum snickered at him, "You very lucky to have her, Mark."

Mark looked at you and kissed your nose, "Yes, I am."

"EW!" Bambam said and then everyone throws him the pillow couch so he could shut up.


I know it's bad but yeah... that all I got..

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