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Mark opened his eyes when the bed shifted. He stilled still, wondering what causes the shifting but decided to ignore it when it finally stopped. He closed his eyes again and tried to go back to sleep but eventually opened them again as he felt the bed shift following by a whimper.

He listened closely where that voice coming from. Is it just his imagination or is it real? But when he heard it again, he knows that it's real. 

And it's from you.

Mark quickly turned around to face you. What he's saw made his eyes widened. You were sweating and writhing like you tried to get away from something. You whimpered like you're in pain. Your hands took a fistful of bed sheets and started to pull them. There are tears falling from the corner of your eyes, wetting your cheeks.

Mark frantically looked all over your body, searching anything that made you in pain. When he didn't find any, he got confused. He stared at your face, noticing your eyes are closed. Soon he realized that you were having a nightmare.

He automatically snatched your wrists when you tried to claw your upper arms. The moment you feel someone grabbed your writs, you started to scream. "No! Please! Let me go! Please!"

You lifted your legs, try to kick whoever the person was but Mark quickly sat on your thigh so they can't move. Feeling you couldn't break free, you screamed louder.

"Babe! Wake up!" Mark begged as he tried to make your body still. He froze when he heard your sob, "Please don't hurt me. Why did you do this?! Stop touching me!"

Mark knew that whatever your dream is, it had to stop. He places his hands on your shoulders then started to shake them. "Y/N! Please wake up! WAKE UP!"

Soon you jerked awake from your dream, panting. Your sight is blurry because of your tears and you noticed someone is on top of you. You didn't recognize the person so you quickly tried to shoved him away from you.

Knowing what you tried to do, he pinned your arms beside your head before placing him between your legs. "Baby, it's okay. It's me."

Hearing your boyfriend's soft cracked voice, you stopped in instant. You let your body relaxed against the bed as you sighed in relief, "Mark,"

"Yes, it's me. It's me." He whispered to you, cupping your face in his hands gently. You grabbed his forearms, trying to steady your breathing. You closed your eyes because you didn't want him to look at your teary eyes. But the moment you closed them, the images of your dreams started to come back which made you sob.

Mark frowned but he didn't say anything. He laid beside you, pulling you into his arms. You didn't deny it, you put your head on his chest and wrapped your arms around his waist. While you crying, he will rub your back gently and whispered soothing things to you.

When you calmed down, both of you just laid there in silence. He smiled gently at you when you started to fumbling with his shirt. You looked up at him, "What time is it?"

Mark looked at the clock on the night stand, "It's 5 in the morning." He kissed the top of your head as he tightened his grip on you. He didn't know what you dreaming about but he knows that it bothered you. 

Wanting you to talk with him, he decided that he will make both of you hot chocolates. The moment he wants to pull away from you, you tightened your grip. "Mark, where are you going?"

"Hey, I just gonna make hot chocolate. I'll be right back okay?" Mark grabbed your hands to release your grip on his waist. 

"No!" you shouted which made Mark stilled immediately before looking at you with widened eyes. "Do-Don't leave me here. I-I don't want to be alone."

Mark Tuan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now