Video Call

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Mark was not home, he was touring with the boys. You missed him. You were at home, laying on your bed, bored. You want to go with him, but with you in college it's impossible.

You took your phone when it rings. When you saw the caller, you sat up and answered quickly. "I miss you." you blurted out. 

Mark sighed, "I miss you too jagiya. How's your day?" he asked as you got up from your bed went to the kitchen. 

"Tiring. Boring. As usual. How about you?" you asked while making a hot chocolate.

He sighed again after hearing your answer, "Jagiya, please do something. Go to the park, watch a movie or something. I don't want you waiting for me till I get home." he pleads. You can hear there's a desperate in his voice.

"I know Mark, but I already tried you know. Cooking, read--" you stopped when he hanged up. Did he just..? You sighed as you take a sip of your chocolate. Great, now he's mad at me.

When you went to your room again, your phone rings again. You picked up again and you realize it was a video call. You went to your bed, getting comfortable and lifted your phone so Mark could see your face. 

"Hey Baby", he said to you. From his phone, you could see that he was in the car and it's already night. Behind Mark, there's Jackson.

"You--", Mark's head being pushed aside because Jackson had to give the albums to whoever that is. When Jackson saw me and he smiled, "Hi Y/N! How's it going?"

 When Jackson saw me and he smiled, "Hi Y/N! How's it going?"

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You giggled when Mark glared at Jackson, he so cute. Mark turned at you, " As I was about to say before someone interrupted me", he turned his head towards Jackson to make sure Jackson got the message, " Y/N, please do something okay? Please? Are you already eat? Did you sleep well? W-why you looked so pale?" 

You laughed when you saw his worried face, "I'm fine Mark. I looked pale because the light and the camera." you smiled at him.

He sighed as he leaned back to his chair. "Five day's left Y/N. Five days until I get home." he breathed out. You smiled softly, "And I'II be waiting for you,"

"AWWW! THAT'S SO SWEET!" you could hear Bambam's voice on the other side. 

"Aren't you waiting for me Y/N? You'll be waiting for me too right?!" Jackson yelled from the back. 

You laughed, "Yeah, of cou-- no, no I'll just waiting for Mark only." you changed your answer when Mark narrowed his eyes playfully at you. In response, you smiled at him sweetly. Again, cute.

"BUT WHY?!" Jackson whined. Mark turned his head and glared at him but got laughter as a response. You laughed again, "Okay. That's enough." 

Mark turned his head back at you, smiling when he heard your laugh. "Babe, I gotta go. Remember, do something alright? I love you." he said, starting to wear his seat belt. Your heart melted when he said those three words.

"I love you too."


Alright.... *claps hands*

That was bad , isn't it? Oh well , sorry then.

That was bad , isn't it? Oh well , sorry then

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