Not Bad At All

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request by: nolassm

"Are you kidding me?"

You stared at both of your parents who looked guilty. Glaring at them with so much hate, you took a deep breath before letting it out slowly. "Why did you do this?"

Your father cleared his throat before explaining with caution, afraid with your reaction, "We- We just want you to have someone, honey. We want to have grandchildren running around in this house."

When you heard 'children', you scoffed. "Grandchildren? And this is the plan that you could think of?" You slightly flinched when your words sound offensive.

"Don't speak to your father like that." Your mother said sternly but it just made you angrier. You glared at your mother, "I have rights to speak like this since both of you did something against my will!"

"It's not against your will of you just go with it." Your father tried to give you reasons but instead, his words have gone out of the window by you. 

"Go with it?" You repeated, "How am I supposed to go with it, father? Don't you think of my feelings? What if I have a boyfriend? What am I supposed to do?"

Your mother mumbled about something but you caught it, "You don't have a boyfriend, that's why we set this up."

"By asking me to marry a stranger?" You snapped out at them. Running a hand through your hair, you turned away from them. You took deep breaths and try to calm yourself down. 

After making sure you are calmed, you turned back towards your parents. "Why don't you give me time? I want to marry someone that I love, not some stranger." Your parents stayed silent and you wondered why they're thinking but something clicked. "You can call it off right?"

Again, your parent kept silent as they looked at each other nervously. And that is your answer.

Your anger rises up again, "Are you fu--" You took a deep breath, "Oh my God, okay." You turned away from your parents, take your jacket and headed towards the door, "I don't want to face you guys right now and I need coffee. Bye." You slammed the door before your parents could do anything.

Opening your car, you wreck your brain to remember a nearby cafe. You contemplating to got to Starbucks but that would be too far and you were too lazy to drive. So instead, you went to the cafe which is two blocks away from your house.

The bell chimed when you entered the cafe, alerting the staff about your arrival. Looking over, you realized the cafe is almost filled with people. All of the seats are taken which made you have to buy take away coffee and have to find other places to relax. 

"Good afternoon Ma'am," The cashier said blankly, "What do you want to order?" 

You ordered your favorite coffee before the cashier typed it on his computer. He looked back at you with a forced smile, "Anything else?"

Shaking your head no, you paid for your coffee before you waited. As you waited, you watched the staff making your coffee. Another customer came in and you heard the cashier served the customer with the same attitude. You glanced at the customer and realized it is a handsome male. 

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