Pick up lines

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Both of you walked hand in hand and have a smile on each other faces. The walking trip is full of laugh and both of you are really enjoying it.

You and Mark are walking together in a park. It's been awhile for you both to walk like this. Because of Mark's tight schedule and your work, there hardly a time for you both. But today is different.

"Oh! I almost forgot," he stopped his walking and take something from his pocket, " I bought this for you. I think you would like it." He pulls out a simple but cute bracelet and gives it to you.

You gasped, "Wow! It so cute!" you wear it and observed how it looks on your wrist, "And simple!" you giggle out. You looked closely at it and you realized something, "Wait, didn't you wear this too?"

He chuckled, "Yes, what an observant. I got this for a couple." He blushed a little bit and he looked away.

You giggled and kissed his cheek, "It's cute Mark. Thank you." You grab his hand and give it a squeeze. He looked at you and squeeze you back, "Anything for my girl."

You smiled at him and continued walking. Both of you spotted some people skateboarding and do some tricks. You tugged Mark's arm and dragged him to get closer. You know he likes skateboarding. 

Both of you sat on a bench nearby and watched them together. You stared at Mark while he watching some tricks so intently. You smiled when he widened his eyes when he found interesting tricks. 

You looked up and squinted your eyes to the sun. It is a very hot day. You could feel your temple is sweating and you brushed your arm over it. You noticed Mark did it too but he didn't mind of it.

Your throat seemed dry and want something cold. So you gaze around and spotted an ice cream shop nearby. You tugged his arm to get his attention.

"Mark, I'm gonna buy some ice c-- Mark!" you started to talk but called him again when you saw him didn't pay attention. He turned to you and tilted his head, "Hm? What?"

You sighed and pointed at the ice cream shop, "I'm gonna buy us some ice creams. I'll be right back okay?"

He looked unsure but finally nodded his head, "Okay. I'll wait here. Be careful okay?" he kissed you cheek and squeeze your hand. You kissed his cheek too and left.

You crossed the road and enter the shop. Opening the door, you noticed some boys looked like your age are sitting, eating some ice creams.

They stared at you intensely when you came in. You didn't like the way they look at you but you just shrugged it off. You heard them whispering and snickering. 

You went to the counter and the lady behind it smiled, "What can I get you, sweet cheeks?" You smiled at her and stared at the menus, "Can I have two scoops of chocolate for two cups please?"

"Do you want any toppings?" she said to you while typing something on the keyboard. Thinking it a while, you shook your head no, "No thank you." 

You sensed someone is behind you while the lady said the price. You took the money from your jacket pocket and gave it to her. Hearing someone cleared their throat to you, you turned around.

"So, big fan of chocolate huh?" you realized it was one of the boys before. You raised your eyebrow at him but nodded anyways. He grinned and looked down at body and legs while you shifted uncomfortably. "Nice outfit, sweet cheeks."

You cleared your throat, "Uhm, can I help you?" you put both of your hands inside your pocket in nervousness

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You cleared your throat, "Uhm, can I help you?" you put both of your hands inside your pocket in nervousness. 

The boy chuckled, "There is something wrong with my phone. It doesn't have your number in it." He pretends to frown and his friends went like 'Ohh' but you just cringed. Oh boy, please I didn't think what he is doing.

"What a low quality-phone. You should change it," you said to him and turned around. You smirked a little when his friend snickered but the boy seemed not take the message.

You silently groaned when he fell next to you, putting his elbows on the counter. He smiled at you, "You know? I think I could make you happy."

You rolled your eyes but your eyes lit up when you see the lady bring up the ice creams. While you took it, you said to the boy, "Oh really? Because you're leaving?" 

You smirked when you heard his friends laugh and you went outside. But before you can cross the road, another boy catch up to you and stand in front of you. You sighed and stared at him, "What do you want?"

"You." the boy smirked. "I lost my number. Can I have yours?" he crossed his arms like he just wins something. Did he just ask the same thing like his friend before? Oh geez.

You rolled your eyes again and opened your mouth to give a comeback but you feel familiar arms wrapped around your waist and you being pulled into a familiar chest. Felt a kiss on your neck and cheek, you heard Mark's voice, "I'm sorry. She already gave it to me."

The boy gulped when he saw Mark. Mark looked at him darkly, "Do you need anything?" his voice is deep and strong which made you shivered in delight.

"N-no man. I-I'm fine." the boy rushes to go inside the shop and Mark still looking where he went. You turned in his arms to look at him. Still holding both ice creams in your hands, you put your elbows on his shoulder so you hands are hanging.

"Thank you, baby," you said to him. Mark looked down at you and suddenly kissed you passionately. You widened your eyes but quickly returned the kiss.

When both of you broke the kiss, you realized he did it to give a show in front of the boys inside the shop.

You giggled and pecked his lips, "It's okay. They got the message now. I'm yours already." You turned around and crossed the road, "Come on! The ice cream is melting!"

You sat down on the bench and you gave him the other ice cream. He frowned at it and took both cups. You want to protest but stop when you saw what he's doing.

He put his ice cream into your cup and gave it to you. He took one spoon and put it into your palms. "I want you to do it."

"You want me to feed you?" you ask confused. He nodded and draped his arms on your shoulders. You smiled at his protectiveness and simply feed him. You feed him in silence but both of you enjoyed it anyway.

"You know, you could tell a pickup line to make you feel better. Their lines are lame anyways." You said to him. He knows you were talking about the boys before. He thinks about it and nodded.

He turned to you and you faced him. He looked deeply at your eyes, opening his mouth but only sighed after. And then he mumbled, "You're too beautiful. You made me forget my pick up line."

You looked at him and didn't know what to say. It heard like he didn't do a pickup line but it sound like he did at the same time. You're speechless and you blushed really hard.

He stared at your crimson red-cheeks and he chuckled, "Good. Only I can make you like that." He grabbed your face, "Because you're mine and mine only." 

You moved forward and kissed him. He kissed you back, pulling you closer to him. After a short make out, you broke the kiss and brushed your lips with his, "Roger that."


I feel so.... single.

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