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"Jaebum, seriously? This is like 2 in the morning! Why did you--" You started to protest but Jaebum cut you off.

"Y/N, we need your help." Jaebum sighed heavily. You sat up straight and turn the light beside you, "What happened?" 

"It's Mark." he sighed again, "We just performed and there this part when Mark has to do the flips. But he kinda.. uhm," Jaebum hesitated which made you frustrated.

You get off from your bed and started to change your clothes, "He what Jaebum? Answer me." 

"He failed Y/N. He slipped and fell on his side, hurting his right arm. He's ashamed and he was silent when we went home. When we arrived at the dorm, he goes straight to his room. We tried to talk to him but he just shut us out." Jaebum explained to you.

After you hear his explanation, you wear your clothes faster and wear your shoes. "I told you to not make him do the flips Jaebum! I told you!"

"I know but- he just- he want the show to be perfect so he insists to do it. You know there's nothing I could do." Jaebum explained to you. You sighed desperately and grabbed your car key.

"I'll be right there. At least try to talk to him again," you said to him and hung up.


You arrived at their dorm and knocked the door impatiently. When it opens, Jinyoung ushered you to came in. You took off your coat and shoes while Jinyoung decided to speak, "I'm sorry it happens at the time like this but you're our only hope now."

You waved him off, "It's okay. I'm glad Jaebum called me. I have to know anyways." You clapped your hand together, "So where is he?"

Jinyoung pointed Mark's room, "He's been there since we arrived. He didn't want to talk at all."

You frowned slightly and patted Jinyoung shoulder, "I'll talk to him." Jinyoung nodded and calles the boys to give you privacy.

You took a deep breath and knocked on the door gently. When you didn't hear any responses, you knocked again, "Mark? Baby? It's me."

You started to panic when you didn't any responses at all. You put your forehead on the door and sighed, "Mark? Let me in, please. Open the door, baby." 

You sighed desperately when you didn't hear anything but when you opened your mouth to speak again, you hear the door been unlocked. 

Before you could see him, you feel he grabbed your forearms and dragged you in immediately. Soon you found yourself in the middle of his bedroom. You turned around and face Mark who is leaning on the door. 

You observed him and you frowned sadly when you saw his looks. He has a bandage on his right arms and his clothes kinda wrinkled. He has messy hair and his face is puffy. His eyes kinda red and swollen. He was looking at the floor and you feel he didn't dare to look at you.

You sighed and got closer to him. When you in front of him, you opened your arms and he quickly dives into your embrace. He hugged your waist tightly and he started to sob into your crookneck. 

You put your arms around him and slowly dragged him to the bed. When you feel the edge of the bed on your back knee, you slowly fall backward with him on top of you. You brushed his messy but soft hair and let he cried for a while until he calmed down. 

After 10 minutes, he finally calmed down but still have his head in the crook of your neck. His breathing is steady and you still brushed his hair softly. You kissed his head and whispered, "Want to talk about it?"

He silent at first but he shook his head no. He sighed and you could feel the hot breath on your neck which tickled you slightly. You kissed his temple and whispered again, "Need something else?"

He shook head no and whispered back to you, "No. I just need you." His kinda cracked and husky at the same time. You smiled a bit and kissed his head again.

"You must be tired, Mark. Go to sleep baby," He tightened his hold on you for response and said the word quickly after knowing what he meant, "No. It's okay. I wouldn't leave you. I'll stay right here okay?"

He sighed in relief and hugged you tighter. You let your fingers get through his hair and you hummed a soft tune to make him calmer.


You wake up when something touched your face. It moved from your nose, across your cheek and go down towards your neck. You finally opened your eyes and they met with beautiful pair eyes. 

Mark smiled at you, "Good morning." he whispered. You hummed and put your hand on his cheek. The memories last night came into you and your eyes softened. 

Knowing your eyes, he sighed, "I'm fine now. Don't worry." 

"Want to talk about it?" you said to him as you sat down. He quickly followed you and he grabbed your hands tightly. He nodded, " I think I'm just ashamed of my mistakes. It was a big show and I kinda embarrassed myself. I just want the performance to be perfect but because of me, it ruined."

He grabbed a pillow and slammed his face into it, he mumbled out, "I feel so embarrassed to face my friends and it feels like I just disappointed them."

You sighed and grabbed the pillow away from his face. You sat in front of him and you cupped his face so he could look you straight into your eyes. "Mark, everybody makes mistakes. It is okay to do mistakes. And you don't need to feel embarrassed. You just fell on your sides resulting your arm to be hurt! Your friend and the fans would feel worried, not embarrassed. And if they did, who cares? Like I said, everybody, even idols, makes mistakes."

He thought it for second and finally nodded, smiling at you, "Thank you baby." he kissed your hand and kissed your nose.

You giggled and hit him in the chest lightly, "That is for making me drive at 2 in the morning with worried feeling," then you hit his good arm, "That is for making your friends worried sick of you," the you peck him on the lips, "and your welcome."

He laughed but stops when seeing your sudden angry face, "W-what's up with the angry face?"

You sighed desperately, "I told you to not the flips! It is not in the choreo anyway! Why did you do it?"

He stared at you nervously, "Well, I kinda want to show off my skills?" he laughed nervously but quickly shut up seeing your glare.

He sighed, "Ah come on babe. It's in the past anyway." he tugged your crossed arms and whine, "Forgive me?"

You sighed because you cannot resist his cute face, "Fine. Just because I love you, Mark Tuan." 

Mark grinned and pecked you on the lips, "I love you too Y/N."

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