Lying #2

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It hurts.

You sat silently at your living room, staring blankly at the wall in front of you. The phone stopped ringing, dried tears on your cheeks, and the raining sounds outside.

A headache and stuffed nose that you had made you sighed. You stood weakly and went to the bathroom. 

After washing your face, you looked at the mirror and find a girl that looked similar. The girl in the mirror had bloodshot eyes, puffy cheeks and looked drained. You sighed heavily as you held the sink and bowed your head.

You know you have to give him a time for his explanation. You believe that everything has their own explanation. But what if there isn't?

You can't lose Mark. He's everything to you. He's the only man that made you feel safe and loved. With everything you had done with him, all the memories, you cannot lose him. You just can't. You love him.

But what if he didn't feel the same way?

Your body froze in realization and you closed your eyes tightly. You grip getting tighter and your knuckles turned white. Your head starts pounding harder.


You shook your head, pushed the thought in the back of your head. You looked in the mirror and saw determined eyes looking back at you. 

You want to hear his explanation, no, you need to. Whatever that reason is, you have to face it. You will not break down that easily. Be strong, you thought to yourself. 

With that, you straighten up your body and went to the kitchen. Drinking a pill for your headache, you noticed that you got a call. It's ringing loudly and the screen lit up, warning that he the one that called you.

You hesitated but finally pick up your phone.

No one spoke, only the sound of raindrops and both of your breathing. You opened your mouth but he spoke first.

"Open the door Y/N," Mark whispered. You quickly glanced at your door, imagining that he's right in front of it. You took a breath but your legs didn't move an inch.

He spoke again but his voice seemed like begging but demanding at the same time, "Y/N if you don't open this door right now, I swear I will break it. You know I will."

This time, you found yourself walking toward the door, unlock it and opened it. You soon face to face with your boyfriend.

You took a look at him. He has wet hair and wet clothes. The clothes seemed to stick to his strong-lean body and you watched water that drops from his hair to his chest. 

You noticed that both of you still holding your phones next to your ear. That didn't go unnoticed to him either. Both of you lower your phone and you moved to the side so he can come in.

He obliged and came in right away. But stops at one spot so he didn't wet your floor anywhere. You jogged to took a towel and gave it to him. He took them, mumbling a little 'thanks' to you before went to your room.

Your apartment is Mark's second home. He often comes and liked to sleep in. Because of that, he kept his clothes in your room so he could change or take a bath in your apartment without any problem. 

While he changed his clothes, you went to the kitchen and made a hot chocolate for both of you. You were stirring his hot chocolate as he silently came in. You felt his stare at you but you didn't want to stare him back. There's no sound coming from him or you.

The atmosphere was always like this. When both you had a fight, both of you rarely yelled and screamed at each other, it's completely opposite. It was always silent.

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