Are you sick?

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You were watching TV in the living room when the door opens. Mark came in looked very tired from training. But he managed to gave you a weak smile when you greeted him.

It's been a year since you and Mark living together. Before that, he was living in the dorm with the boys and you were living alone in your own apartment. Suddenly one day, he said he wants to move in with you. With the manager agreement and Jackson nonstop-whining, you and Mark started living together in your cozy apartment.

He came to the couch where you sat comfortably before laying down, placing his head on your lap.

"How's your day?" you asked softly as your hand started brushing his hair and frowned when it passed his forehead. It's burning hot.

"Tiring," he answered, stirring to get comfortable.

"Mark, your forehead is burning. Are you sick?" you moved your other hand to his neck.

He groaned, "I'm fine! Really."

You raised both of your eyebrows, "Well, you don't look like it. Let's go to the bedroom." you said while getting off the couch.

"Y/N baby noo, stay. I'm already comfortable in here." he replied quickly, pulling you back to the couch.

"Mark, you're sick. It's more comfortable if you're in the bed," you argued while tugging his arm but only being pulled back by him.

Jesus, he's very strong even when he's sick.

He pulled again, but this time you got pulled under his embrace so now he's hugging you like a teddy bear. You sighed and tried to get out from him. "Stop wiggling," he whispered, pinching your waist before hugging you tighter.

"I will if you let me take your medicine and blanket," you said still wiggling. Mark sighed but decided to let you go, "Okay. 30 seconds."

You quickly jumped out from the couch, ran to the kitchen, took the medicine and a bottle of water, ran again to the bedroom, took the big blanket before ran again to the living room. "Here," you panted out while giving him the medicine and the water.

Mark chuckled but then he took them and drink them. When he finished, he pulled you back to the couch and started to make you like a teddy bear again but this time with the blanket covering both of your body.

"You're such a sweetheart Y/N. What am I going to do without you? I love you." he mumbled and sloppily kissed your forehead.

You were about to answer sassily but you noticed he already fell asleep.

You giggled softly, "Get well soon baby and I love you too." you kissed his nose and his embrace tightened. You smiled before fell asleep in your boyfriend's arms.


That is a very short chapter, isn't it? Sorry, I tried tho. I wish you enjoy it. So.... for the next chapter, I'm gonna try to make it a long one. Wish me luck!

If any of you want to request imagines about markkiepoo , you could comment right away! So go comment guys! I'll be waiting!

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