The Fight

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"Y/N, stop it already! Listen to m--" 

"I'm sick of it!"

"You have to understa--"

"Understand what?!" you shouted at him angrily while he stood a few feet in front of you, breathing heavily.

You and Mark are fighting because you feel Mark is self-centered. Mark is always working, comes home late and rarely hang out with you because he always went out with his friends. You always waiting for him at home until you fall asleep on the couch, you made him dinner and waited for him so you could eat together but when he came home, he goes straight to bed which left the dinner and you to be forgotten.

You feel tired of it and went to talk to him. Saying that Mark needs to notice you more. 

Actually, Mark is a very lovely boyfriend. He always took care of you like you are the most precious thing in the world. He always does what his girlfriend wishes because she means the whole world to him. But this time is different.

After you finished talking, he argued back to you. This made you mad at him and the fight starts.

"Do you realize how many times you ignored me?! How many times I waited for you to come home?! You make me feel like trash!" you shouted at him.

"You're overreacting Y/N! You know that I'm tired because of work! I thought you understand this." Mark shouted back at you kinda like disappointed. 

"I do! But that doesn't mean you have to ignore me like I'm an object to you! Why don't you understand me?!" you shouted as your anger get the best of you. "You always with your friends! You always come home late and I always got a glance of thought that you cheated of me!" you continued.

Mark's eyes darkened, "I always understand you Y/N! What is wrong with you! Don't you realize the things I'll do for you all this time?! I will never cheat on you!" 

Yours looked down at your feet, "I don't feel you understand me at all Mark. I don't believe you." 

Mark chuckled darkly and rolled his eyes and he mumbled something that made your whole body tensed.

"What?" you whispered as you raised your head to looked at him.

"I said stop being an annoying bitch!" he snapped at you, "Why did I even made you my girlfriend?" he mumbled again and you flinched.

Mark widened his eyes, realized what he just said. Tears filled your eyes and you clenched your fist.

"Y/N baby no, no, please I--" he started but you stormed out of the house and run from him as fast as you can. You ran faster when you heard him calling you.

You're sobbing and didn't know where you're going. You ran and ran and finally stopped to take your breath. You look around you and realized you were in the big park. You spotted a swing nearby and decided to take a sit. 

It's dark outside because it is already night. You thinking about Mark's words and found yourself in tears again. You thinking it couldn't get any worse, yet the sky starts crying too.

You just sat there with your wet eyes and clothes, thinking.

Why wouldn't he understand you? All you want is his attention. You know he's an idol and all but doesn't he have time for you? He knows that your hardly with him these days but instead, he decided to be with his friends.

With that thought you sighed and sat on the ground didn't care about the dirt. You started pulling the grass and froze when you realized something. You cursed to yourself as you got up and ran back to the house.

Stupid. Idiot. Dumb. You thought as you ran. You just realized that Mark always noticed you although it was just simple things and you barely noticed, until now.

Like when you fell asleep at the couch waiting for him, in the morning always woke up on the bed then you noticed that he the one that picked you up and placed you on the bed. When you thought he ignored you on dinner, in the morning you found the food is all eaten and the plate even the desk is cleaned. He always leaves a note for you to tell he was sorry and everything.

You didn't notice this in the first place because you're too selfish.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

You bumped into someone really hard because you're so lost in your thoughts. The person fell backward with you on top of him. He groaned in pain and you lifted your head because it sounds awfully familiar. 

Mark closed his eyes in pain as you gasped. Mark opened his eyes instantly and looked you in the eyes. His eyes were full of regret and look like he just crying. He pulled you down and hugged you tightly like his life depending on it. 

You hugged him back, wrapped your arms around his neck and put your head on the crook of his neck. 

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Mark whispered, still hugging you.

"I'm sorry too, Mark. This is all my fault. I shouldn't doubt you. I knew you always understand me. I am too selfish to see that." you replied to him slowly. He tightened his embrace and finally pulled away.

Mark smiled at you, "Baby, I'm really sorry okay. I didn't mean it. I love you okay?" he said cupped your face gently.

Your eyes filled with tears because of his words, "It's okay Mark. I love you too. Please remember that." you whispered lowly. He kissed you passionately and you kissed him back.

After that, both of you enter the house but before you could walk forward, Mark turned you to him and pecked your lips.

"Don't ever leave me like that again."


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year guys!

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