I Will Always Worry About You, Idiot

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"Hey baby girl," His husky voice came up from your phone. "Have you eaten yet?" You immediately asked him, didn't bother to greet him back. 

You heard him chuckling over the phone, "Woah, straight to the point, huh?" 

"You didn't answer my question." You said back at him but you pouted a little, realizing your mistake. "Come on, I need to know. Have you eaten yet?"

"Yes, I have. And the food is delicious." He answered with a sassy tone on his voice. It was silent at first but then you spoke with a disappointed tone, "You're lying."

Mark sighed. Lying to his girlfriend and hoping to get away with it

Since you found out that he had lost weight, you always remind him to eat. 

Him being an idol is not easy at all. He has to sacrifice a lot to become one. Being an idol also means that he has to look flawless as a man. When he receives so many comments about him being fat, he feels that he need to lose some weight. But of course, you think differently.

Mark already does sport and dances, he already looked fit. Losing weight will make him look skinny and lifeless. Not to mention, you worry about his health. 

You want to smack every person who said Mark was fat. Because... come on? Him? Fat? It doesn't make any sense. These people really need to check their eyes. 

"I'm sorry but I promise to do it later," Mark tried to console you but you ask him back immediately, "When is later?"

"After practice?" Mark hesitantly said which made you grumble. "I don't know, but I promise I will!"

You gritted your teeth, "You better. Don't make me come over there and force you to swallow every food I could find from there." 

Instead of receiving an agreement from him, you hear his beautiful laugh. "I'm serious, Mark." You said to him while trying not to smile. 

"Of course you do, baby," Mark said still chuckling. "Is this the reason why you called me? Just to checking me if I already ate or not?"

You frowned in disappointment, "Well, no. I, I have a bad news."

Usually, when GOT7 have a schedule to perform, you would always be there to watch and support them, especially Mark. But this time, you can't. Due to many works that needed to be done, you forgot to order the ticket before it sold out.

"What is it?"

"I can't watch you perform this time," You sighed while running your fingers through your hair. "Well, I can watch it on TV but I can't come over to the concert. You know what I mean."

Hearing him sigh over the phone, you quickly explain your situation. "It slipped off my mind! I-I got really focused on finishing my work and when I remember about the concert, the ticket was already sold! I am so sorry, Mark. I really do--"

Mark soothing voice came up, "Y/N, It's totally fine. You don't have to come every time I perform on stage. I know you have works to do. Besides, maybe you are already bored with the repeated song."

"I will never get bored if you're the one who performs." You admitted sweetly, "I could listen to your repeated voice every day and never get bored of it."

Your boyfriend chuckles and you could imagine his smile over the phone, "You are so cute."

"I agree." You sassily answered which made him laugh. "I'm really sorry though."

Over the phone, Mark bit his lip to hide his smile. His girlfriend is really a caring and supportive person. That is something that will always amaze him. "It's okay."

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