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You walked with pain all over your body. Your legs have bruises, your right arm have a huge gash on it that bleeding pretty bad and you have a bleeding nose. You hold your stomach as you walked- well limped actually to your house. 

You got beaten by the fans, Mark's fans. You knew there's the good fans and the bad fans. You called them 'bad fans' because they do really bad stuff to you.

They loved Mark so much until when they heard you and Mark dating, they got really mad at you. They don't want you to be his girlfriend because you quote, 'Mark is ours only. You don't deserve him' but you just pushed them aside, didn't care what they think.

Every time the 'bad fans' saw you, they always give you these insult but you didn't listen to them so they did another way, they beat you. 

They punched you, they kicked you, they give cuts to your legs and arms, etc. You fight back of course but they are to many. You got beaten up five times already and Mark knows. He and the boys still trying to stop it by speaking to them but you can see it is not working yet.

This is the sixth time you got beaten. You just hoped Mark will not notice this because it will make him really sad and guilty.

You entered your house and get upstairs to your room. You walked the stairs really in pain. Why the fuck did I choose the upstairs room?

You walked into your room and go straight to the bathroom. You let go of your shoes and start searching for the aid kit. You groaned when you realized the aid kit is almost empty. 

You sighed and stared at the mirror. Wow, I looked pretty bad, You thought. Mark wouldn't like this.

Your house door opened, "Y/N are you home?!" Mark shouted. "There's the boys here!" Oh shit.

You widened your eyes and didn't know what to do. You started panicking and decided to hide which is stupid. You closed the aid kit and put it back. You turned and--


You stopped on your track, lifted your head at him. He was at the bathroom door, looking at you like he saw a ghost. His eyes are widened and his body is tense. You stared at him shocked as he raked your body with a clenched jaw. He knows.

You sighed, "Mark, I-I didn't want-- It j-just-- I am--"

"I'm gonna go buy the medicine," he said harshly as he quickly ran downstairs. "M-mark wait. I-" you started to talk but he already was gone leaving you alone at the bathroom. 

You sighed and limped out from the bathroom, decided to sit on the bed. You groaned when the pain got worse but you just ignore it. You put your head on your hands and realized there is blood on your forehead.

"Noona, what's up with Mark hyung? He sees--" Bambam walked in but stopped when he sees you. He gasped and the other boys quickly see what happened.

You turned to them and saw their own reactions. Bambam and Yugyeom gapes, Youngjae and Jinyoung have widened eyes, Jaebum frowned and Jackson mumbled 'Oh My God'.

You chuckled awkwardly, "Hey guys. Mark gonna leave for a while, he gonna come back soon" you said to them nervously. 

"Y/N, what happened?" "Did they did this to you? Again?" "Are you okay?" "How could they did this to you?" "I'm so sorry," they all said at the same time as they came in into your room.

"Guys, guys! I am fine. It just hurts in here and there. Don't need to worry about me" you waved at them carelessly. You tried to stand but because the pain on your legs, you fell.

Before you hit the ground, Jackson has his arms around you. You hold his arms saying thank you and he nodded but keep his arms so you won't fall. 

"We better go downstairs so you can.." Jinyoung said gestured to my body, "cleaned up."

I nodded my head and Jackson carried me to the bathroom, sat me down on the toilet. He smiled softly at me and walked out.

You looked at your wounds and sighed. Another pain to go through, you thought.

You started to clean the wounds with cloth of water but have a hard time with your legs because your stomach hurts. You groaned in pain as you tried to reach your legs.

A pair of warm hands holds your cloth. You lifted your head and met with Mark's eyes. His eyes filled with pain, sadness, and guilt. You let him take the cloth as you stared at him.

He put down the cloth and lifted you up by your hips to the counter next to you so you're a little bit taller than him. He took the cloth and started to clean your legs wound. He flinched every time you whimper in pain but still continued his doing. 

He silently started to clean your face but refused to look you in the eyes. You sighed and held his hand. You tilted his head with your other hand to meet his eyes. When they met, his eyes started to fill with tears. 


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"No. Let me j-just. Let me take care of you" he said cutting you off then he started to bandage you up. When his hand glided over your stomach, you yelled in pain. He froze and looked at your stomach.

He lifted your shirt and gasped. Your stomach is fully bruised because the kicking that you got. A few tears fell down his face when he bandages your stomach. 

When he's done, you lifted his face with both your hands. He stared at your eyes, lost in them.

"I-I'm sorry. I should have known. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry. I-I didn't want you to get h-hurt. You should--" you cut him off with a kiss and he relaxed.

"Mark, it's okay. Really. I'm fine" you whispered to him. He took both of your hands and looked down at them.

"Maybe it's better if you broke up with me so you wouldn't get hurt" he mumbled but you heard him clearly.

"Mark Tuan," you called him, angry with his words. "You should not say that to me. I would take their insult and beatings if that means I still have you. I am yours and you are mine. No one could separate us. Mark, I love you okay. They will not stop me to love you, ever"

Mark looked at you and smiled, "Who am I that deserve a girl like you?" he said as he cupped your face carefully.

"You are my boyfriend" you giggled at him and he chuckled.

He put his forehead on yours, "We'll get through this. I will make them stop" he said and kissed you. You broke the kiss and hugged him, "We will"

"I wanna say Ew bu-" 

"GROUP HUG!" Jackson cut Bambam off as everyone hug you both laughing.

"Ow Jackson! Don't press my arm!" 



Yep. Yup. Yap. Yes. Yas.

Bambam ruined the moment but.. oh well...

 And I realized there are so many dialogs that been cut off in this part but.. oh well...

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