Ch2 - Nut Farm

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Ch2 - Nut Farm

-Long, Long Before...-


My long nails dug into my white shirt scrunching it up as I entered Arkham registering as the new intern, which I was. My black bag in which I kept everything I needed for my job swung side to side as I began walking to my office which I was yet to find.

My heels echoed through the hallways of the Asylum and I slowly began to doubt my abilities as a psychiatrist. This place was even creepier inside than out, now I really understood why Jeremiah Arkham was so surprised when I came to ask for an intern.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of strong hands wrap around my body and push me against a wall kissing me deeply. I smiled at the warmth of his lips but pushed him off me. "C'mon I told you not at work."

He shook his head in protest and kissed my neck sending shivers all over my body. "Sean..." I trailed off shooting him a stern look a frown spreading across his face.

Sean was a guard at Arkham and I had met him a few months back when I was in search for work experience. I've worked as a waitress before when I was still young, friends went on vacation to Gotham, even helped a man that was suicidal and convinced him to find something to live for. His name was Jack? He was a failed comedian or something, god knows what happened to that poor fella. I guess that was just another reason I became a psychiatrist, always thought I had it in me to help people. Never mind, I didn't have Arkham in mind but I decided it would be a great idea to work with the master mind criminals they put in here since my father was a criminal himself and I wanted to understand his actions better. We had been dating ever since and he's moved in with me which I assumed was quite of a quick move but he had insisted.

"I'll see you tonight Harleen and please be careful." He sighed and straightened his posture walking away as I nodded checking just incase my cleavage wasn't showing. I fixed my glasses that rested on my nose and looked down at my phone switching it on.

"Darn it I'm late!" I mumbled under my breath and sped away towards my office in which I had no idea where it was situated.

After a while of walking I had realized I was lost.

The walls of Arkham looked all the same to me so it was no surprise I was lost. They had to draw arrows on the bricks to keep me from wondering around the whole asylum before I had even found my office.

"I should've let Sean show me to my office instead of telling him to leave me alone." I shook my head at my stupidity and cursed under my breath as I carried on walking down a corridor I was yet to be familiar with.

It was darker than most and it had sent goosebumps all over my curvy body.

"Dr. Quinzel?" I heard a female voice say soothingly behind me.

I spun around meeting face to face with a dark haired woman that looked about my age, maybe even a little older. She wore a white lab coat and had a serious look on her dark skinned face.

"That's me." I smiled politely fiddling with my fingers hoping she wouldn't notice just how nervous I was.

"I'm Dr. Leland, follow me." She walked ahead of me her small frame swaying side to side and I followed her like a lost puppy which in some sense I was. "So you're new at Arkham?" She questioned and I nodded catching up with her. "Just waring you this is not fun and games, understand?"

"Yes." I replied as quickly and as confidently as I could in which she shot me a glare.

"You're here to work with hard core psychotics and they eat a novice like you for breakfast, understand Harleen?"

My mind had wondered off somewhere else as we were passing some heavily guarded cells and one of the inmates had clicked my interests in particular.

There stood a slim but muscular and a very tall figure whistling to himself as if he was amused by the fact that he was kept in a cell with at least three guards guarding his door. I tilted my head as our eyes met.

Chills covered my spine at the sight of this inmate. By the looks of it I could tell that he was a very sinister and troubled individual.

"Harleen?" I heard Leland say.

My head snapped towards her as I stopped in my tracks "Yes I understand." I smiled as I kept staring at the inmate who had returned my glare a spark in his emerald green eyes.

"Your office is down the hallway and to the right, the meeting starts in five minutes." I nodded carefully as she walked off leaving me to observe the inmate.

I wasn't late after all!

Slowly I walked up to the glass that was separating us placing my fingers over it. As I got a better look of him I backed away in terror.

He had green hair and white pale skin, his face was bruised but you could still make out the features of his well shaped face. His smile was the worst of the worst and the most chilling feature about him. It was clear that he might have had a possible case of the 'rictus grin'.

He grinned even more revealing his white yet crooked teeth.

"The Joker." I mumbled looking down at my feet and fixing my glasses that had slid down my nose. I straightened up to look more confident and fixed my bun in the process.

"Helloooo?" He elongated the word making me swallow hard.

I raised my head as if in control not looking back at him as I walked down the hallway towards my new office. I could hear him say a several words that I didn't make out in the process of walking.

"The Joker? Very interesting." I told myself whilst unlocking the door that had my name imprinted on it and placed my bag on the couch that was to the left of the door.

The office was filled with dusty books and the table was empty as it seemed that nobody had been here in ages. I smiled at the thought of reworking it a bit.

My mind quickly switched to the meeting I was supposed to attend to that was just right around the corner. Rapidly I shut the door closed not bothering to take my bag with me and walked towards the room where all the meetings were held. or so I was told.

It was a good thing it was close to my office, that meant that I wouldn't get lost for once and get the chance to remember where everything was.

As I entered the well lit room unlike the hole asylum I had realized that it was packed with nurses, psychiatrists, guards and many more. I had recognized Sean from a distance and made my way towards him as we were all told to sit down by Dr. Arkham who stood on a chair at the end of the room. Sean smiled at me and patted a seat right next to him as Dr. Arkham spoke up.

"Hello there fellow coworkers, I'm here to discuss a highly important matter that came up due to unfortunate events." He cleared his throat as the room fell silent.

I looked at Sean who had an angry expression on his face and his fists were clenched on his laps. Lightly smiling I reached out with my right hand to his clenched fists causing him to exhale and relax under my gentle touch.

"These unfortunate events lead us to losing a fellow coworker Dr. Smith who had been brutally killed by one of the inmates while having a session with him."

A load of noise came from the room as everyone shook their heads in disgust.

"Till this day we will still remember one of our best psychiatrists while the offer still stands, who will take sessions with The Joker?"

The crowd of people started shouting and arguing about the dangers of the inmate however I was fascinated by how popular he really was. I slowly raised my hand up as I felt Sean's tight grip on my thigh pushing me down and not letting me stand up. I glared at him while he slowly pulled his hand away watching me in horror stand up through all this chaotic mess.

"Quiet please!" Dr. Arkham shouted as everyone settled down, I was the only one standing up at this point. "Dr. Quinzel?" He tilted his head as I felt my stomach drop, all eyes were on me.

"I am willing to take sessions with the Joker." I said sternly as an explosion of laughter proceeded.

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