Ch29 - New Family

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Ch29 - New Family

"Just as we rehearsed am I right Mistah J?" I asked as I put on a white blouse and a pencil skirt. A police hat in my hand.

"Yes pooh, is dear old Charlie in the other room?" He shot me a look as he fiddled with his acid flower on his jacket and packed a gas bomb that would make everyone freeze as they breathed in the poisonous gas.

"Mhm I got him from the airport this mornin'. He was so surprised ta see me!" I giggled.

"Good, very good. Go get the other bozos and the cake, I want it in the van by half past twelve." He stated and walked out of the lounge room. 

Smiling I walked into the kitchen and began to push the giant cake out of our secret hideout towards the white van that was behind the back door. With no evident help from the other members of our little gang I had done all the hard work by myself. "No biggie." I huffed as I finally loaded the cake into the back of the van feeling sweat beads travel down my forehead.

As I was about to walk back into the hideout to get my bag with gags and all that was needed I heard sudden ruffling in the garbage. My eyes narrowed roaming over the shuffling of the boxes that were laid in the dark alley, piled all in one big stack. "Who's here!" I exclaimed as my voice bouncing off the walls.

My heart thumbed but I had gained up the courage to go and investigate.


"Heeeff!" I heard some sort of laughter erupt from the cardboard boxes.

Gasping I fell onto my knees.

"You precious little babies! Who did this to ya?" I felt tears come to my eyes as I reached out to the poor pups in front of my own eyes. Then it hit me, they weren't puppies at all they were two baby hyenas that were identical to one another. It didn't change anything for me and I scooped both of them up into my hands feeling their soft fur against my tender bare skin. They whimpered and laughed as I carried them inside.

"Mistah J!" I yelled, "Look who I found in the garbage dump." I grinned as I heard footsteps echoing down the stairs.

"I hope it's none of your funny little business Harley, Daddy has a busy schedule and isn't ready for any of that nonsense." He called chuckling.

Their warm bodies snuggled deeper into my arms as I stroked them carefully. "Don't worry puddin' none of the funny business I promise!"

His footsteps became louder and louder each second and in no time I was face to face with him. "What's that!" He snapped.

"Not what puddin' but who. Meet the new members of our little jolly family!"

Unexpectedly he had began to manically laugh clutching his stomach. He was well groomed and had styled his hair perfectly, unlike every other day where his hair was curly and messy. "What's so funny?" My tone lowered and I put on a serious face which I couldn't keep up for long.

The laughter he was consumed by had subsided and he had just started at me for a while before speaking again, "What's funny Harls? It's funny that you just found them."

"What do ya mean just?" 

"Well y'know lil'ol me, had to have some fun while you were dead. And quite frankly I thought you were until you pulled that little stunt and called me up! Well to cut the long story short I had raided a zoo in the name of all that's funny and had managed to keep those two as loyal pets." Licking his lips he stared at the two that fell asleep in my hands. Their bodies rising and falling at a rapid state.

"So this is yer idea of keepin' them as pets? Let 'em sleep, eat and live in garbage so that they could obey ya!" I growled.

"C'mon sweets you can't be mad at that, their hyenas for gods ache." He coaxed his way into making me let go of this situation.

It worked.

"Yer right puddin' but I was thinkin' if we could actually keep 'em?" A glint of hope sparked in my baby blue eyes.

I could tell that he was getting worked up by the situation because his body had stiffened and he had not moved for the past few minutes. To be honest it was scaring me quite a bit. "Put on some makeup would ya? We wouldn't want the audience to see the bruises." He stated simply.

"So is that a yes!" I squealed but then shushed myself realizing that I would wake the babies up.

His eyes disappeared into the back of his skull as he clicked his tongue "No, that's not what I-"

                                                  "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Puddin' yer the best!" I pecked him quickly on the cheek and rushed upstairs but then stopped in my tracks. "Bud and Lou." I smiled down at them, "I'll call ya Bud and Lou." named after the comedy duo Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, as I had mentioned before Mistah J does love old comedy as well as sitcoms so he would sure love this one.

They were both sound asleep in my arms, my heart fluttered from the tiny bodies they possessed that were going to grow big and strong one day.

My small footsteps carried my weight upstairs as I had placed the duo on our bed. They had instantly curled up in one of Mistah J's coats that was left lying around on the bed. Chucking I tucked them in and rushed to the kitchen to warm up some milk for the now dynamic duo of our little clan. Although me and my puddin' were a dynamic duo it wouldn't hurt for them to be one too you know?

It made me more jolly than before because now I had someone to spend time while Mistah J was doing his important work.

I had immediately poured some left over milk in a plate and put it in the microwave for one minute. Dogs or hyenas, whatever, weren't allowed to have hot stuff otherwise the'd lose their sense of smell. Weird huh?

The minute felt as it had been going for hours and hours as I began to whistle and tap my foot on the ground to a steady beat that was playing in my head. "Dododo deedee do!"

"Harley Quinn!" He shouted and I jumped at the surprise of his presence.

"Y-yes Mistah J?" I squeaked out as the microwave began to beep.

"What are you-" beep "Stop that annoying-" beep "ugrrr-" beep "TURN IT OFF-" beep "ALREADY!"

My fingers reached up towards the button and as I turned it off I felt a rough stinging pain on my cheek. The tears urged to come out but I didn't let them.


"What did I tell you about the bruises? Put on some makeup! We wouldn't want the audience to see 'em especially not Batman, what do you think he'll think of me? I don't want him to think I'm some abusive creep!" He bellowed


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