Ch13 - Plans

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Ch13 - Plans
I hope you enjoy this chapter guys! And thank you soooo much for over 300 reads <3 <3 it means so much for me :) Have a lovely day

I yawned and felt someone brush away my hair from my face "Sean?" I said in a murmur opening my eyes.

"Sorry to disappoint kiddo." He smiled standing up, "I have some work ta do so don't be too happy without me." He giggled and headed for the door.

"No please, don't- don't leave me, I don't want ta be alone now..." I trailed off my hands reaching for him.

He sighed and walked over to me "You're so needy you know that?"

I rolled my eyes as he embraced me and I felt a tingly sensation at the pit of my stomach. "Am not!"

He just chuckled deeply and that was when it hit me, abruptly I stood up and he looked at me with his curious eyes. "Actually you can help me with somethin'."

I bounced over to my bag and took out some pieces of papers and rapidly brought them back into my bedroom. He was still sitting with a blank expression on his face "Here, I need ya to help me with a defense plan fer Arkham."

Then he did the unexpected, he burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I exclaimed pushing his arm playfully as he couldn't stop laughing.

"Y-you w-want m-me t-to h-help you w-with a d-defense plan! HAHAHAHAHAHIHIHEHEH!" He managed to make out through the laughs.

"Yea I'm serious." I told him my eyebrows furrowing and my lips pressing into a thin line.

"Well kiddo you've mixed up my specialty." He finally said composing his laughter.

"And why's that?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Now, now Harley I'm a comedian and definitely a mastermind but not some sorta grease monkey." His smile dropped and he stared deeply into my eyes as if trying to convince me of something.

"But I thought-" I scratched the back of my head, "never mind I'll do it myself and yer won't get outta Arkham anytime soon." Slyly I smiled standing up and looked for his reaction from the side of my eyes. I looked down at the pieces of papers that were in my hands and walked into the kitchen starting to cook breakfast .

"Alright alright you got me here!" I heard him shout from the other room a huge smile spreading over my face.

"So honey what'd ya want fer breakfast?" I said sarcastically as he sat down at the table.

"Make me some omelette woman and coffee would be nice!" He chuckled obviously playing along.

I giggled to myself and cracked four eggs, two for me and two for him. Surprisingly this didn't feel weird at all but on the other hand...

"So doctor want to give me those papers?" I looked over at him, he was observing me and it made me feel intimidated.

"Quit staring at me like that!" I said in a frightful tone.

"Or what doc, you're gonna call the cops?" He giggled licking his lips.

I rolled my eyes and handed him the papers as I continued with the breakfast. "All done!" I cheered and put his hot coffee on the table with his omelette as well as sitting down myself in a chair across from him.

"About time." The papers were in front of his face and it looked as if he was reading a newspaper. My appetite disappeared and I leaned forwards resting my face in my hands. I just wished he would put the pages down so I could watch him, him enjoying the breakfast. Or just watch him.

I sighed in a lovable tone my eyes half open as I looked at him through the papers. I licked my lips subconsciously as he lowered the pages and raised his brows.

Quickly I shook my head slightly and composed my posture brushing away the hairs that had fallen into my face. "What!" He said in a husky tone.

"Oh nothin' I was just wonderin' when were ya gonna eat yer breakfast." I lied.

He smirked his eyes brows still raised "Don't you worry I'll try your poor of an excuse for a meal." He raised the papers once again to his face as I grunted.

"Excuse me you asked me ta make you this omelette and coffee!" I stood up clearly irritated.

Again he lowered the papers down and raised his eyebrows shrugging as if it wasn't an insult at all.

"I'm talking to ya!" I gritted ma teeth

He rolled his eyes and stood up following me "Harleen don't be smart with me, I know what I said and I can see that you're not a very good cook!"

"Not true!" I exclaimed as he cornered me and shook his incident finger in front of my face.

"Is that so? So there is a different reason for you not wanting to eat your own cooked meal!" He stared deep into my soul and it felt like he knew why was it that I didn't eat.

"I-I um..." I trailed off trying to get away.

He beckoned me with his finger and I leaned closer our faces inches away. I was forced to raise my head to look up at him because he was way taller than me.

My palms began to sweat and my heartbeat sped up, my chest rising and falling.

He leaned down and fanned my neck with his breath sending shivers all over my body. His hands wondered to my hips as he pulled me against him. It was as if I was on fire, he was electric, magnificent, everything I've ever wanted in a man.

There was an huge urge to kiss him. For our lips to meat and our bodies to be pressed tenderly together.

"Harleen-" He lightly traced his lips on my neck but then pushed himself away as I gasped trying to catch my breath.

His eyes didn't meet mine as he sat back down eating away. As he finished he wiped his mouth with his hand, I still stood in the corner "The omelette wasn't bad at all." He giggled

"So what about the plan?" I smiled and ignored what had just happened. Unlike him I couldn't take my eyes of off him.

He looked up as if about to roll his eyes but stopped himself and looked hungrily at me "It's all done you can give them to junior tomorrow morning."

"Ugh oh okey.." I blushed and took the pieces of papers out of his hands my fingers missing his by millimeters. I wanted to feel the feeling I felt before, it was unforgettable and magical something I didn't have with any other.

Suddenly, his eyes were as if on a scavenger hunt, looking for something . Finally he found the thing he was looking for a walked up to it.

"Is this clock correct?" I shrugged walking up to the psychopath that was staring at the clock that was on the chimney.

"Yeah I guess?" He turned to me and gripped my shoulders making me squeal loudly as he shook me powerfully. His hands dropped as he realized my frightened and hurt sate.

"So?" He barked as I looked down fiddling with my fingers.

"Y-yeah." I whispered lifting my head up slowly being met with a cold gaze from him.

"That's betta and now I gotta go do some business, stay safe doc and if that ex of yours comes back I'll make a note of that." He cheekly smiled and left putting on trousers and a white t-shirt.

I didn't even have time to tell him thank you.

Thank you for being there for me, thank you for making me feel human again, thank you for making me smile, thank you for giving me the feeling.

Now that I was deep in thought I realized that I was scared, weak and beaten down. After what happened in the past and with Sean I needed someone, someone to help me get through his.

He was the only one to make me feel whole again...

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