Ch23 - Jokes on You

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Ch23 - Jokes on You

Next morning, I woke up, with my Puddin' nowhere to be found, but with a note on his pillow instructing me to meet him at the park's rocket ride. Yesterday night I had returned to our beloved new hideout and spent the entire night apologizing to him, finally he had given in and let me sleep with him which made me the happy girl I was right now.

So I did as I was told, I had put on my red and black jester costume, put white paint on my face like always and headed to our old hideouts rocket ride.

I was so excited!

"He had finally set up a date for the two of us, what a romantic!" I gasped as I observed the red rocket tower over me. It was a majestic blood red color with a tint of purple that resembled Mistah J is some sort of unique way.

My blue eyes shone with excitement because I knew that this would be the best day of my life! "Maybe he'll even apologize?" I mumbled under my breath as I wondered what to do next.

I felt my heart swell once more, the feeling of adrenaline flooding my brain. Right there and then I knew I had to enter the rocket. It was this gut feeling that I had but I couldn't quite make out if it was a good one or a bad one.

Happily I skipped inside observing everything and it's unique interior. Puddin' was nowhere to be found so I began to worry. My eyes wondered to the big screen t.v that was on a wall and below were some cables.

"M-Mistah J?" I called out but there was no response.

Suddenly, I heard a massive bang and my head snapped towards the door I had entered through.

It had shut and I swallowed hard running towards it. With all my force I began to bang on the metal material until my fists began to hurt. "Let me out yer lummox!" I screamed at the top of my lungs still banging as hard as I could.

"All kidding aside Harl! I just wanted to take some time and talk about where our relationship is going." I heard my puddin's soft voice so I stopped banging and turned around to find his face on the big screen t.v.

I sighed in relief.

He had finally wanted to discuss me and him!

"Y'sse over the past few weeks I've felt some changes coming over me since you entered my life. I've been reminded of what it's like to be part of a couple, to care for someone who cares for me. It's the first time in recent memory I've had those feeling-"

My heart swelled and I grinned widely "Aw puddin'!"

I knew he'd come through.

"And I hate having those feelings! They're upsetting, confusing and worse, distracting me from getting my share of Gotham now that it's getting good!" He shouted

I felt my heart drop.

He sniffled a little " I will always treasure our days together but sadly, inevitably, the time had come for us to part. Farewell my sweet Harley Quinn I will mourn you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He laughed psychotically as I felt the ground underneath me shake.

Out of balance I fell to the floor and watched the t.v turn off in horror.

"Yer lousy skum suchin' creep!" I bailed out at the top of my lungs feeling tears burn at the sides of my eyes.

"Pull yerself together Harleen." I told myself as I pushed myself off the floor still feeling a little woozy. The rocket had launched into the sky.

My eyes darted all over the place searching for a way out of this flying situation. Frantically I had thrown myself towards some cables that were below the television. With fury I had began to pull at them and for some reason it allowed me to steer the thing, though not well.

I had no idea in the world where I was heading to but I knew for sure that I had stopped going upwards. My mind whizzed through different situations as the rocket shook vigorously and I flew back hitting my head against the metal wall. I could feel my heart pulsating in my ears and blood in my mouth tasted disgusting.

My eye lids began to feel heavy and as hard as I tired I couldn't stay conscious.

At least if I was going to leave this world it would be in his arms and at his will...

Sorry for such a short chapter you guys! But I hope you liked it nonetheless <3 <3  (this chapter is basically paying omaje to the Harley Quinn comic that was published in the 2000 :)) Comment your thoughts! 

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