Ch5 - Smile

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Ch5 - Smile

After a while of spending in my office I had walked over once again the the huge cell to talk to one of my other patients who's name was Jervis Tetch.

The guards had once again opened the door staring at the patient inside. I sighed as the memories of earlier today came flooding in, I had to be professional and not get distracted. But something about The Joker always came back to me.

"Hello Dear." He smiled and in his smile I saw the Joker doing the exact same thing, I shook my head.

"Hello Mr. Tetch I'm here to help you out." I slightly smiled and sat down watching him across the desk.

"The Mad Hatter! My name is The Mad Hatter!" He shouted his left eye twitching. Quickly I scribbled on my note pad and leaned over to him.

"So tell me how'd you come to this state?"

"What state?" I knew exactly what's going on, after all it was written that he was a former research scientist that became completely smitten with the works of Lewis Caroll.

"Ok then so what do you think of Lewis Caroll?" I smirked as he jolted up smiling widely.

"Well child-"

"Dr. Quinzel please."

Well Dr. Quinzel..." My brain had switched off as he blabbered about his obsession with Mr. Caroll. He spent about half an hour on one particular topic which was the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

I checked the time and yawned. "That's enough for today Mr. Tetch, we'll see each other in two days where you can tell me more about your particular interest."

He nodded politely, I guess he was just acting that was just to get outta this place. Sooner or later I would have to bring him some pudding cause of his good behavior.

I slowly walked back to my office tired.

My head pounded as it rested in my hands. His words kept echoing at the back of my head 'Something's missing. Something that drives you. Something you want but can't have.'

I knew exactly what he was talking about but refused to admit it. The Joker was underrated and that was a sure damn fact!

All I needed was a way to dig deep into his brain and find out what he has been keeping for so long. If he had kept his past life a secret I bet he'll tell me sometime, after all he won't be able to keep an act around me for much longer. I wouldn't let him.

Normal people would just break but then again he isn't the exact definition of normal? Maybe in my state of mind he was...

My face slipped off my hand as I had began to fall asleep. "Well, that's a sign that I gotta go home." I grabbed my bag, ready to leave, when my office door swung open it was one of the guards, Dylan.

"Quick Doc! It's the Clown! He's freaking out!"

Me and Dylan rushed from my office to the Joker's cell. As we approached the cells all we could hear was blood curling screams.

"No!!! God help me!! Stop!!"

As we reached The Joker's cell I saw that he was standing above a dying body of another guard, his orange jumpsuit completely covered in blood, he stared at his reflection in the broken mirror as he used the blood to draw over his disturbing smile.

"Oh sorry Doc did I wake you? I told him to be quiet, really." He smacked his lips and kicked the guard.

I stared at the Joker terrified, although there was this strange feeling at the bottom of my stomach it was as if I felt sympathy for him. I obviously knew what he was getting himself into but why?

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